2003-04 Mach 1 Registry Owners Club

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japan4racing 07-25-2010 03:15 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by Thunderbolt (Post 1304290)
I like the race car hauler commercial. :31:

yea just saw it about 5-10 minutes ago....and as i type this its coming on again! hilarious!

G 07-25-2010 04:20 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by japan4racing (Post 1303608)
what cracks me up is the fact that earnhardt sr. did the same things for his whole career. but he was a hero and the greatest driver that ever raced nascar. its not that he was so fast or so good as much as the other drivers were scared of him...they knew if he was behind them they would get punted out of the way. now you can call it "rattling a cage" or being a maniac....either way it aint right. but why is it that sr. is a super hero for his dirty racing and edwards is an *******?

and as far as the comment about mcmurray...are you serious? what had mcmurray done for roush prior to his departure???? nothing...edwards and kenseth were running the show for a good while there. i dont blame jack at all for tossing mcmurray and keeping matt and carl. even though both of them are not doing so well this year they are still doing better than mcmurray was doing.

Yep very serious. :23::23::23:

Biff had a great day but congrats to jamieMac on a career day.

311-420 07-25-2010 04:23 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
Well, is Jamie mac impressive yet? :claus:

311-420 07-25-2010 04:25 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by falcongtho3 (Post 1304278)
And Kyle manages to bonehead his first lap tonight and screw up a few other peoples day...Should make for an interesting 399 more miles...


And managed to bonehead his way into a top 10 finish! :smokin:

Thunderbolt 07-25-2010 04:38 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
That was a really good race. Congrats to McMurray. His new team is doing good with some big wins. He has'nt done anything for years. It makes my day when Montoya is doing well in a race and crashes and burns. :31:

MAD_MACh1 07-25-2010 07:00 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
thought that was great. They sure whipped that up fast.

falcongtho3 07-25-2010 07:57 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by Thunderbolt (Post 1304290)
I like the race car hauler commercial. :31:

That was priceless, hope it's the first of many!


falcongtho3 07-25-2010 07:58 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by 311-420 (Post 1304330)
And managed to bonehead his way into a top 10 finish! :smokin:

I'm sure the people he sent to the garage feel differently...


japan4racing 07-25-2010 08:31 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by 311-420 (Post 1304327)
Well, is Jamie mac impressive yet? :claus:

he is still 11 wins behind edwards and edwards has 2 less years experience! so the answer to your question is no! look im glad the guy won...i dont hate him..but the comment about roush letting go of carl instead of jmac was just plain stupid....look at the career stats...they speak for themselves!

311-420 07-25-2010 08:43 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by japan4racing (Post 1304376)
he is still 11 wins behind edwards and edwards has 2 less years experience! so the answer to your question is no! look im glad the guy won...i dont hate him..but the comment about roush letting go of carl instead of jmac was just plain stupid....look at the career stats...they speak for themselves!

Jamie has also brought way more purse money home then the two of them combined this year for his team too.
I never made that comment about roush lettng go of him. But, if he keeps up they'll let him go. And it'll be his fault.

311-420 07-25-2010 08:53 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by falcongtho3 (Post 1304372)
I'm sure the people he sent to the garage feel differently...


That's what happens in NASCAR. People spin out. It wasn't intentional or even his fault. He was in a totally new and unproven setup. Alot like the accidents Kyle has been caught up in the last 4-5 races. None of them were intentional or Kyles fault, but Kyle still got wrecked. One race Kyle wrecks Burton, Burton gets upset (understandable) and talks crap. Not even two races later Burton F's up and has to eat his words after he does the same exact same thing to Kyle. :23:

they're all going to make mistakes. Regularly. Lol

falcongtho3 07-25-2010 09:21 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by 311-420 (Post 1304384)
Jamie has also brought way more purse money home then the two of them combined this year for his team too.

That's always the case with whomever wins the Daytona 500. It certainly skews the figures on the winnings side of the table. He certainly has done well with his new 'situation', but it doesn't make him better than his former teammates.


japan4racing 07-25-2010 10:26 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by 311-420 (Post 1304384)
Jamie has also brought way more purse money home then the two of them combined this year for his team too.
I never made that comment about roush lettng go of him. But, if he keeps up they'll let him go. And it'll be his fault.

its not about who makes more money for the team its about consistent good finishes and points. Carl and Matt are both ahead of jmac in both cases. like said above....the money for the daytona 500 greatly skews it but the money isn't what we ate talking about here. we are talking wins and points.

and I was just saying that the whole reason I'm comparing the 3 is because of the comment made by G. I'm not accusing you of anything. compare careers and its obvious jmac is not the performer that some think he is. Carl and Matt may not be doing as well this year as in years past but the points standings say it all.

G 07-26-2010 12:37 AM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by japan4racing (Post 1304376)
he is still 11 wins behind edwards and edwards has 2 less years experience! so the answer to your question is no! look im glad the guy won...i dont hate him..but the comment about roush letting go of carl instead of jmac was just plain stupid....look at the career stats...they speak for themselves!

First off, I don't really like my comment being called stupid. Especially in light of the fact that my boy Jamie won a huge race today with historical significance and is not on probation or $25K poorer. :23:

I really don't care that much for stats. The best driver I ever saw behind the wheel has questionable stats. He never ran a full season in one division and never became a champion of any series but has won more races than Richard Petty has Cup starts. He is a legend and most here wouldn't recognize his name.

My comment deals with potential, integrity, and the fact that the guy is not an AzzClown. I tend to like drivers that are good people in addition to skilled. Biffle, Martin, Burton, Kenseth, Sadler, Newman, Truex, and even Earnhardt score high with me. Using stats as your yardstick Jimmie Johnson would be the greatest driver on the planet. Now he is very good but who puts him that high above the herd???

If I had any doubts on whether Carl was the bad guy in these recent events they were gone when Jimmy Spencer took up for him. Most of the other drivers (active or not) have said he acted irresponsibly.

The thing is if I had a first class cup team and my choices were Brad, Jamie, or Carl ... I would have to go with Jamie to protect my equipment and trust his experience and potential. :worship: Carl wouldn't be my second choice because of that AzzClown thing he has going on.

japan4racing 07-26-2010 02:01 AM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by G (Post 1304446)
First off, I don't really like my comment being called stupid. Especially in light of the fact that my boy Jamie won a huge race today with historical significance and is not on probation or $25K poorer. :23:

your boy jamie won 5 races in nearly seven years. to say that he was more of an asset than carl who has won 16 races is 5 years is in fact stupid from a business point of view. if im jack roush, i want guys racing for me that can win and win regularly. carl has proved that can happen...j-mac on the other hand did not. what he accomplished today is definately worthy of praise, but it does not make him a legend.


Originally Posted by G (Post 1304446)
I really don't care that much for stats. The best driver I ever saw behind the wheel has questionable stats. He never ran a full season in one division and never became a champion of any series but has won more races than Richard Petty has Cup starts. He is a legend and most here wouldn't recognize his name.

the problem with this is that stats are what determine ones success in this sport. someone that wins frequently or finishes well frequently, is considered better than some one that does not. that being said carl, is infact, better than j-mac...check the standings if you dont believe me. beyond stats all you have is opinions of who is a great driver..joe nemechek is a great driver, but does he accomplish anything? no..plain and simple... kirk shelmerdine, while not very successful at driving, is a hell of an engine builder and was a crew cheif to the one and only dale sr. while stats dont say much for him he is still a great racer and contributed alot to the sport.....you see stats are fact, everything else is opinion. all the guys on the track are great drivers...if they were not they would not be there to begin with. who is this mystery man you speak of?


Originally Posted by G (Post 1304446)
My comment deals with potential, integrity, and the fact that the guy is not an AzzClown. I tend to like drivers that are good people in addition to skilled. Biffle, Martin, Burton, Kenseth, Sadler, Newman, Truex, and even Earnhardt score high with me. Using stats as your yardstick Jimmie Johnson would be the greatest driver on the planet. Now he is very good but who puts him that high above the herd???

potential to win? carl has that...16 times.....integrity? even when carl has issues with his own team mate (matt kenseth a couple years ago) he deals with it and runs the best he can. carl and keslowski are guilty of the same offences. both let emotion get ahold of them. neither of them have the integrity you speak of when it comes to rivalries. payback is part of racing...nascar wanted it and now they got it and its gonna turn nascar around. nascar is boring with out rivalry. rememebr jeff gordon and matt kenseth at martinsville? (i think thats where it happened) remember tony stewart vs everyone? remember kyle busch vs every one, rember dale sr.'s whole career? remember the 1979 daytona 500?..without those rivalries nascar would fizzle out and die. nascar wanted exactly whats happening right now. azzclown? thats a matter of opinion...i have met carl edwards and i can tell you he is a very down to earth guy....i have a family freind that works for nascar and has met many of the drivers and sees them very frequently and its amazing who she says is a complete **** and who is cool. all the guys that score high with you score the same with me. i like em all..i just root for carl. and your comment about jimmie johnson...well....lets be honest here..the man is almost unstoppable until here recently. in all honesty before his career is over he will be one of the greatest drivers we ever got to see race...right next to the rainbow warrior:eek:


Originally Posted by G (Post 1304446)
If I had any doubts on whether Carl was the bad guy in these recent events they were gone when Jimmy Spencer took up for him. Most of the other drivers (active or not) have said he acted irresponsibly.

im not doubting he had an error in judgment but lets be honest here, no one flips a car on purpose..thats not what he intended to happen. and you let jimmy spencer sway your confidence in a driver????really..the guy clearly lost a truck race and went straight to victory lane anyways...he has been around a while but has had 1 too many bacon cheeseburgers and it clouds his judgement as well.


Originally Posted by G (Post 1304446)
The thing is if I had a first class cup team and my choices were Brad, Jamie, or Carl ... I would have to go with Jamie to protect my equipment and trust his experience and potential. :worship: Carl wouldn't be my second choice because of that AzzClown thing he has going on.

wow..i would choose carl 1st because he has proven he can win and pretty consistently get in the chase. brad and jamie would be a toss up but j-mac has more experience than brad so i would go with him second...although brads gonna be a heavy hitter later in his career.

look, i dont hate any of these people but man stats speak for them selves....jeff gordon, weather you hate him or not, is one of the greatest drivers on the track today...is he winning a champion ship this year..hell to the naw....does that take away from him...hell to the naw....jmac is good but he is not in the same skill level as other drivers. its feast or famine with him and thats a hungry mother f*cker! you picking up what im laying down?

G 07-27-2010 12:06 AM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by japan4racing (Post 1304458)
your boy jamie won 5 races in nearly seven years. to say that he was more of an asset than carl who has won 16 races is 5 years is in fact stupid from a business point of view....if they were not they would not be there to begin with. who is this mystery man you speak of?


Rapid Ray Hendrick, I've done a lot of research on early drivers and his wins are more likely over 1000! These guys would often run 4 events a week back then, many times racing Friday - Sunday and in multiple divisions.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/-mkPTDSmXAc&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/-mkPTDSmXAc&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

troopdoom 07-27-2010 08:38 AM

Re: NASCAR thread
I know who ray is. He used to run at Hickory in the 70s. When he did he had a different number because Jack had the 11.

G 07-27-2010 02:54 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by troopdoom (Post 1304799)
I know who ray is. He used to run at Hickory in the 70s. When he did he had a different number because Jack had the 11.

In the 60s he would have been 11VA and Jack or whoever would have been 11NC. In the 70s the home driver owned the number and the visitor would pick up and "X" or leading 1 (11x or 111). My dad was 91VA which normally worked well except in Richmond (Strawberry Hill), there he was 91xVA.

It's probably harder today in LMS to sort the numbers out. Back in the 60s the Modifieds were the most popular division. I've seen Jack Ingram race a few times in the VA area but it was LMS.

troopdoom 07-29-2010 07:59 AM

Re: NASCAR thread
G I would like to hear some of your racing storys, I bet you have sme good ones.

G 07-29-2010 07:36 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by troopdoom (Post 1305304)
G I would like to hear some of your racing storys, I bet you have sme good ones.

As my dad would say, "I could tell you tons of racing stories, some are even true." :23:

My dad was a racer before WWII and started back in around 48. I was 11 in 1969 and that was the age you could work/be in the pits at the tracks we went to. Back then I was tall for my age so I would just find out how old you needed to be and what birth year worked for that age. That was the age I claimed.

I remember people more than stories and some really stand out. Hendrick, Evans, Crouse, Lovelace, Hutchins, Grinnan, Dennis, Earnhardt, Ellis, Petty, Pearson, Jarrett, and many that don't pop in my head. I remember being at the very LAST "Grand National" race in November on 1970 at Langley Speedway. It was won by Bobby Allison and it marked the end of NASCAR according to many that thought "Winston Cup" racing would kill the sport. :smack:

Racing also was doomed at Langley Speedway when they paved it in 1968. I remember riding to the races listening to all the complaining about paved tracks being the devil. :crazy: They were wrong about that track anyway. It's nearly flat, turns are 6 degrees and the straights are 3 with a 4/10 around. It was nearly perfect.

311-420 07-31-2010 10:31 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
How bout that Rowdy kid!! Wooo!! Two weeks in a row for nationwide! :gears:

311-420 07-31-2010 10:37 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
Nearly forgot to mention, he didn't even go to practice for last weeks OR this weeks race. :smokin:

G 07-31-2010 11:40 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
How about that Elliott Sadler. I like the guy and he does well in good equipment. I've seen him and his brother race a bunch in LMS at the tracks in SE VA and NE NC. Sadler Chevrolet was a sponsor on the side of the Modified driven by Ray Hendrick. That family has been involved in racing since the late 40s I think. :worship:

I didn't catch the Iowa race. Looks like Brad gathered a few more points than that guy he was having issues with who has better stats. :23:

japan4racing 08-01-2010 02:03 AM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by G (Post 1306211)
I didn't catch the Iowa race. Looks like Brad gathered a few more points than that guy he was having issues with who has better stats. :23:

brads a great racer..i have never said he isnt. that kid has a future for sure. and i have never once compared brad's stats with carl's..that was only a jmac and carl comparison.

Blackpony04 08-01-2010 05:02 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
Much as I hate the COT it sure looked like it did a good job protecting Elliot Sadler today. That car sure as heck hit hard. :wow:

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