2003-04 Mach 1 Registry Owners Club

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streakn 03-30-2006 03:58 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by kevsrcode
They only time we can force blood is if there is serious bodily injury or death resulting from the intoxication. I wish we had that option, it'd make life alot easier.

Nothing like doing crime fighting with one hand tied behind your back and hopping on one foot around all the politics. God bless us boys in blue. :yeh:

kopacko 03-31-2006 08:35 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by kevsrcode
They only time we can force blood is if there is serious bodily injury or death resulting from the intoxication. I wish we had that option, it'd make life alot easier.

That sucks, we can do blood, BAC or urine or any combo or all 3 as required by the state of Tennessee or they lose their license for 1 year.

kevsrcode 03-31-2006 11:25 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
we can request it, and if they refuse they lose their license for a specified period of time, depending on how many priors they have. The only time we can force them to give the sample is with serious bodily injury or death.

Low Drag 04-01-2006 03:23 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

To put some of what you said in perspective. Yes, I have been placed in plenty of situations in which I did not know whether or not I was going to have to take someone's life. Like you, whether I have or not will remain known to only me. It's a terrible situation to wish on anyone, but that being said, should a situation arise that would require it I've prepared myself mentally and physically for years to do what needs to be done. I think about it every night when I tell my wife I love her and leave for work. I guess the judged by 12 or carried by 6 phrase means something a little different to me. To me it means that when the time comes, I will step up to the plate and protect myself, my coworkers, or anyone else in need and I will do it without hesitation that can be caused by second guessing myself as to what the legal ramifications might be. No matter how right you are in these situations, it's not a matter of if, but when you will be sued.

From some of the conversation, I can make a pretty educated guess of the outcome of the situation you were in. All I can say is God bless you and all others that have taken it upon themselves to have the courage to stand up to those who have no respect for the lives of others in order to defend friends, family, or anyone else in need.

MvCrash 04-02-2006 07:57 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by Low Drag

To put some of what you said in perspective. Yes, I have been placed in plenty of situations in which I did not know whether or not I was going to have to take someone's life. Like you, whether I have or not will remain known to only me. It's a terrible situation to wish on anyone, but that being said, should a situation arise that would require it I've prepared myself mentally and physically for years to do what needs to be done. I think about it every night when I tell my wife I love her and leave for work. I guess the judged by 12 or carried by 6 phrase means something a little different to me. To me it means that when the time comes, I will step up to the plate and protect myself, my coworkers, or anyone else in need and I will do it without hesitation that can be caused by second guessing myself as to what the legal ramifications might be. No matter how right you are in these situations, it's not a matter of if, but when you will be sued.

From some of the conversation, I can make a pretty educated guess of the outcome of the situation you were in. All I can say is God bless you and all others that have taken it upon themselves to have the courage to stand up to those who have no respect for the lives of others in order to defend friends, family, or anyone else in need.

I am in your corner 100%. We all train hard and are schooled early we have to be ready, willing and able, or get another job. If you want to use the phrase mentioned, have at it, my comments were for those who have no idea what they actually mean.
My eldest daughter and I leave the house now the same time every morning. I always insist she kiss me on the cheek before we part ways in the driveway. The other morning she asked me why I was like this. Like you, I understand one never knows. I have a few freinds whose "shift" ended a bit early and never made it home. I don't tell her this, I just smile and tell her "cause I wubya."
I worked steady midnights for about 5 yrs and steady 4x12 the other 4 yrs in the eighties when the crack thing was going on and it was cowboys and indians. Kissed the wife goodbye every nite before I left.
But hey, it is what we do, and I prefer eating donuts now. My father once told me "Son, fat, dumb and happy is no way to go through life." I can now answer with some enthusiasm:
YES IT IS!!!!! It is a wonderful way!!! :HOPPY:

Remember the two most important things they teach in the Academy:
1. Watch their hands, the eyes cannot kill you.

IMachU 04-02-2006 04:01 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by MvCrash
Remember the two most important things they teach in the Academy:
1. Watch their hands, the eyes cannot kill you.

I did a lot of #2 (pun intended) when I worked in Compton on graveyard shift (3X12 shift). Ahhhh, fun times......

streakn 04-02-2006 11:41 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by IMachU
I did a lot of #2 (pun intended) when I worked in Compton on graveyard shift (3X12 shift). Ahhhh, fun times......

Now your in sleepy hollow enjoying the slow life. How's the ride coming along? I couldn't sell the 69 Mach1. I've grown to close to it and will hate myself if I do sell it.

IMachU 04-03-2006 02:48 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
The 65 is coming along nicely! There is an engine heat issue that should be resolved by a new flex fan and shroud and the flywheel needed replaced (warped a bit - starter hung up on it). If the fan and shroud don't work, it may be that they over-bored the cyls (they went .40 over), and the water jackets are too close to the action.

I know what you mean about the 69....they are like an ugly dog; you grow attached to them after time! All your car needs is a haircut and a little cosmetic surgery....she'll be up and running in no time!

streakn 04-03-2006 03:06 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Just ordered a K&N filter, SLP Loudmouth exhaust, and a Ford Racing fuel door from Summit. Not sure if it will be here in time for the show. Buuuuuuut, my audio, video and interior mods will be ready for the show. I gave it some more flare. I think my whole audio and interior mods are almost more than the car is worth now.

IMachU 04-03-2006 09:06 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Yikes! Can't wait to see her!! You gotta do something with your sig...."custom stereo" my azz!

streakn 04-03-2006 11:39 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by IMachU
Yikes! Can't wait to see her!! You gotta do something with your sig...."custom stereo" my azz!

Okay, custom stereo/video/audio/lighting and accent interior pieces (carbon fiber)

Mustanger2 04-06-2006 02:29 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
One of the guys over at fnsweet.com posted this ticket... Would any of you officers cite someone for this? Curious...His Sticker on the back said ..."fnsweet.com Roush Mustangs"

So to add to an already shitty past two weeks. I get a FN ticket for my fnsweet sticker! What a crock of ********!

According to the officer "Ga law prohibits any sort of profane or lewd stickers, decals, etc." He also informed me that it was around a $100 fine! Now I understand doing a job and screwing with someone. I will go to court to fight it but that means taking time off of work, etc. etc.

Sorry just had to rant about this B.S.!

Karma_Energy 04-06-2006 10:17 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Question to the LE:

The guys at work like to play jokes....And a common one is to make a fake liscense plate and tape it over my current one....Something like "GAY LVR" or "I LIK MEN" or "GAY PRD"

So my question is....if you pulled someone over for that....would you ticket them?

IMachU 04-07-2006 12:04 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
I would not give you a ticket. I may point out that someone is trying to advertise for you, but I realize that pranks are played.

streakn 04-07-2006 12:19 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Heck no. I wouldn't even pull you over. I'd let you cruise around all Brokeback. LOL

Mustanger2 04-07-2006 12:53 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
LOL.. You guys are funny! Just what I thought though, bogus ticket 'caus he couldn't find anything else.

JRKANOT 04-07-2006 07:48 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by IMachU
I would not give you a ticket. I may point out that someone is trying to advertise for you, but I realize that pranks are played.

What he said. :agree:

Mustanger2 04-07-2006 10:44 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by JRKANOT
What he said. :agree:

To clear any confusion... members of fnsweet.com LOVE to display this sticker, it is put on the rear bumper on purpose, not a joke or anything.

Road Racin Mach 04-07-2006 12:58 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by Low Drag

To put some of what you said in perspective. Yes, I have been placed in plenty of situations in which I did not know whether or not I was going to have to take someone's life. Like you, whether I have or not will remain known to only me. It's a terrible situation to wish on anyone, but that being said, should a situation arise that would require it I've prepared myself mentally and physically for years to do what needs to be done. I think about it every night when I tell my wife I love her and leave for work. I guess the judged by 12 or carried by 6 phrase means something a little different to me. To me it means that when the time comes, I will step up to the plate and protect myself, my coworkers, or anyone else in need and I will do it without hesitation that can be caused by second guessing myself as to what the legal ramifications might be. No matter how right you are in these situations, it's not a matter of if, but when you will be sued.

From some of the conversation, I can make a pretty educated guess of the outcome of the situation you were in. All I can say is God bless you and all others that have taken it upon themselves to have the courage to stand up to those who have no respect for the lives of others in order to defend friends, family, or anyone else in need.

Why does it have to be life or death? Why not shoot the gun/weapon hand/arm?

Same with a criminal that decided to run from you, why do you have to catch him on the run? Why not stop take aim and shoot him in the leg. Wont get to far with a hole in his leg.

BTW good post really puts perspective on what you all go though day to day.
Stay safe

MvCrash 04-07-2006 01:02 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by Road Racin Mach
Why does it have to be life or death? Why not shoot the gun/weapon hand/arm?

Try it someday, you'll see it is not that easy. We train to hit center mass. It is not easy to hit an arm, leg or hand. Don't forget we don't want the bullet to pass through and possibly hurt someone else. Center mass stops the bad guy and stops the bullet from going any further.


Originally Posted by Road Racin Mach
Same with a criminal that decided to run from you, why do you have to catch him on the run? Why not stop take aim and shoot him in the leg. Wont get to far with a hole in his leg.

I won't shoot someone running away from me. If he is armed and turns towards me with a weapon, well, we go back to hitting center mass.


Originally Posted by Road Racin Mach
BTW good post really puts perspective on what you all go though day to day.
Stay safe

Thanks for the good thoughts. I hope your question is answered

MACHrophage 04-07-2006 01:11 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
It is unlawful for an officer or anyone for that matter to shoot someone in the back who is running away, absent very specific circumstances (i.e. the perp poses a significant and real threat to the life of himself or another)

The above law applies to all 50 states via the Supreme Court Case: Tennessee v. Garner, 471 US 1 (1985).

That is why police give chase to a fleeing perp rather than shooting...

IMachU 04-07-2006 01:14 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by MvCrash
Try it someday, you'll see it is not that easy. We train to hit center mass. It is not easy to hit an arm, leg or hand. Don't forget we don't want the bullet to pass through and possibly hurt someone else. Center mass stops the bad guy and stops the bullet from going any further.

I won't shoot someone running away from me. If he is armed and turns towards me with a weapon, well, we go back to hitting center mass.

Thanks for the good thoughts. I hope your question is answered

What he said! Great answers MV.

As I explained (much) earlier in the thread, police officers train to stop a suspect's actions. We do not shoot to wound, we do not shoot to kill, we shoot to stop their aggressive acts towards another. We are guided by the reverence for human life. Sometimes it may mean that in order to stop a suspect from likking someone we must aim for the head. That will immediately stop a suspect's iminent actions. It may also mean the suspect will die from his wounds. I'm sorry that may happen, but that is the path the suspect chose.

Shooting for an arm or leg, as MV said, is impractical and dangerous for other, possibly innocent, people. Besides, have you ever seen a suspect hit in an arm or leg and continue their offense? I have. The best, most sure way of stopping a suspect is to aim for the center mass, AKA torso.

I hope this helps clear things up a bit.

MvCrash 04-07-2006 04:01 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Here is another very true fact. back in the 80's the FBI had a shootout in Miami. There were attempting to stop two bank robbers. When the FBI stopped them, one of the bad guys exited the vehicle with a .223 Caliber long gun, which for your information makes a ballistic vest useless. The first shot fired was by an FBI agent when he saw the long gun. It was later proven that this shot went under the bad guys arm and severed his aorta, cutting the top of his heart off. This was a non-survivable wound, yet for the next several minutes he killed and wounded several FBI agents.
Autopsy showed the bad guy HAD NO DRUGS in his system. Even a kill shot may not stop the bad guy before he kills/hurts someone.

01TruBluGT 04-07-2006 05:38 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

That is true. About 4 or so months ago they had a cop here that was escorting a funeral procession. A guy cut into the procession so the officer pulled him over into a parking lot to issue him a ticket. Aparently something happened but the officer and the man got into a wrestling match in an Auto Zone parking lot. The cop fired 1 .40 into the guys stomach and he kept fighting. A citizen came out of Auto Zone and saw what was going on. He retrieved his .45 auto out of his car and demanded the guy get off of the officer. The man didn't listen and after the man warned him enough he drilled two rounds into the guys chest. The guy continued to wrestle with the officer so again the guy warned him, guy didn't listen so the citizen dumped 2 more shots into his chest. By this time the citizen was about 5' from the scuffle and the guy was still clobbering the officer so the guy put one in his head and ended it.

So here is a guy that took 4 .45's from a max distance of 15' and 1 .40 point blank and was still fighting. I am sure he would have bled out soon enough but until that happens you are still in the game. The human body releases chemicals into the body much like adrynylin(sp) when wounded that sometimes can keep you fighting even when severly wounded. Alot of people have studied the effects of a GSW on the human body, most gunshot survivors say that they feel an initial sharp stabbing pain, then a burning sensation, then they don't feel it. Ever hit your finger with a hammer? The initial impact hurts but after that the body shuts off the nervs in that area to keep you from feeling pain. About the only way to assure a 1 stop shot would be in the T zone, a direct hit that basicly destroys the heart, or a hit that damages the body's central nervous system enough that it shuts down. Anything else nomatter how damaging it is the only way you will die is from bleeding out, depending on what is hit that could take up to 5 min., which is pleanty enough time for you to hurt someone else.

Road Racin Mach 04-07-2006 08:04 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by MACHrophage
It is unlawful for an officer or anyone for that matter to shoot someone in the back who is running away, absent very specific circumstances (i.e. the perp poses a significant and real threat to the life of himself or another)

The above law applies to all 50 states via the Supreme Court Case: Tennessee v. Garner, 471 US 1 (1985).

That is why police give chase to a fleeing perp rather than shooting...

That is why I say in the leg. Rather than the back

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