2003-04 Mach 1 Registry Owners Club

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MvCrash 06-05-2006 05:11 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by streakn

Hey now, no laughing at the experienced guys (old) that did their time and work indoors now. If and when required.......there is still a good fight or two fight left in this old cop. Actually, when I was younger the only thing I liked better than fighten, is.............4nik8ten (can I say that on here?)

Marks04DSG 06-10-2006 09:19 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
I think this is a great idea, so here goes:

I Was on 95N in the center lane sandwiched in between 2 semis going over 75 and the 1 in the rear was getting too close so I put my right signal on because my exit was coming, I couldn't see that good so as I eased out another semi was just about on my trunk so I stabbed the gas to get out and avoid being hit so the last thing I was looking at was my speedometer because my safety was first in getting out from in between those semis, I slowed immed as I was getting off to exit and a trooper was looking at me as he was getting on the hwy and then he flashed me and wrote me a reckless driving as he showed me the radar gun reading (94/60). Explaining anything was futile as he just walked away from me. Anyway I have a clean DMV record with +1 but had some serious probs backin 92, which aren't even on my DMV personal record. This is my first imfraction since I got my license back in 2000 and it happened in PWC so what do you think my penalty will be.

Some serious bad luck

'70 Vert 06-14-2006 07:30 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by MvCrash
One cannot shoot at a fleeing felon unless there is a "continuing risk" to the public at large.

Even then, if a COP doesn't shoot very little will come of it. Jurys and police departments almost never punish COPs for what they DON'T do.

(i.e. "You should have shot that guy........why DIDN'T you?").

A COP is under no obligation to shoot somebody if there's the slightest doubt in his/her mind.

'70 Vert 06-14-2006 07:39 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by Marks04DSG
I couldn't see that good so as I eased out another semi was just about on my trunk so I stabbed the gas to get out and avoid being hit so the last thing I was looking at was my speedometer because my safety was first in getting out from in between those semis,

You were in the wrong place speeding at the wrong time. Not to over-simplify things, but the speed limit is the speed limit.

The speed limit sign doesn't say "speed limit XXMPH except when trying to get out from between semis".

It's my understanding that Virginia is the anti-Christ of police environments. Black and white thinking only. Almost zero gray area thinking. Numerous east coast off duty officers from other states get nailed with tickets for speeding in VA due to the lack of professional courtesy.

Mustanger2 06-14-2006 08:13 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
I was once pulled over by a CHP for merging over a double solid white line onto the 680 freeway meant to prevent that very manuever! I did it right in front of him....WOT in the red 69 Mach 1 and I was haulin'!! ... but I was trying to avoid a a very drunk driver who was messing with me... swerving into me, forcing me onto the dirt, standing on his brakes when I fell in behind him etc...very dangerous situation....

When I explained it all , the Officer sped off in pursuit, had him pulled over a couple miles down the road... I stopped behind the CHP cruiser & waited for my ticket or whatever ..but the CHP is great!!...hauled the drunk off to jail & told me good job and to have a nice day in that nice car! Woohoo!!

Kudos to all the Calif. CHP Officers!! The only ones who consistantly without fail have always been professional & courteous in their conduct to me... also the only ones to give me a couple of warnings & no ticket..Never had a City Police Officer do that.. ( well one, but we were almost related!) Must be revenue related????

Not complaining though, I richly deserved every speeding ticket I ever got! And JFYI... I always honored my promises to those Officers that gave me a warning.

Marks04DSG 06-14-2006 10:11 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by '70 Vert
You were in the wrong place speeding at the wrong time. Not to over-simplify things, but the speed limit is the speed limit.

The speed limit sign doesn't say "speed limit XXMPH except when trying to get out from between semis".

It's my understanding that Virginia is the anti-Christ of police environments. Black and white thinking only. Almost zero gray area thinking. Numerous east coast off duty officers from other states get nailed with tickets for speeding in VA due to the lack of professional courtesy.

Understood, but I gotta tell you, being 52yrs. old and having been through my share I won't just follow along like herded sheep when I feel my safety is put at risk. Had the officer flashed me in time I would've prompted him to go after the truckers but he was on service entrance as I was on exit and seemed like his decision to pullme was a last second decision and by then he was more worried about getting his laser gun to show me the speed because it kept blinking on and off. As soon as I tried to explain why this happened and in the back of my mind feeling unsure if I really was that fast the ticket was already written and he was giving me dirs. on how to be carefull pulling out because of the entrance and exit lanes veering into one. Oh well if I can just get by with a fine and hopefully do some driver improvement course to erase points after a period in time I guess I can make that part of 95 one of the routes I never take again. As a matter of fact I'am staying away from all truckstops and weighscales on the interstate from now on.

Thanks :concerned

kevsrcode 06-15-2006 10:42 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
If you honestly feel that your safety is at risk, you can always take the citation to court and plead your case before a jury. If the jury agrees that what you did was reasonable and prudent, then they can always find you not guilty and the charge won't go on your record. The officer cited you for what he perceived as a violation, but you've always got the recourse to explain yourself in court.

Marks04DSG 06-15-2006 02:23 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
I surely don't want to pickon our truckers because they are up against it alot, I'll just have to fork up the dough and hopefully catch some leaniancy.


Mustanger2 06-15-2006 06:22 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by Marks04DSG
I surely don't want to pickon our truckers because they are up against it alot, I'll just have to fork up the dough and hopefully catch some leaniancy.


Sorry but I am against the truckers nowdays in a big way... one pulled out into the passing lane today forcing the driver in front of me to slam on his brakes & smoke his tires avoiding the trailer... he went onto the shoulder & I had to brake very hard to miss the car!! This happens on most every freeway trip noe days

01TruBluGT 06-22-2006 10:36 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
OK For all of the officers out there. I have a question.

Yesterday evening I was sitting at a red light in the turning lane. Light turned green so I went. Now I was going along like any other day, to be honest I don't really know if I was speeding or not. I know there was a truck about 30' in front of me and I wasn't closing on him. So I was a bit distracted and really just focusing on the truck in front of me. I look in my rearview and there is a cop with his lights on. I pulled over and it went like this:

Officer: I guess you didn't see me behind you(I am assuming he had the lights on for a few blocks, as sunny of a day as it was, him not using the siren, and me being pre occupied in thought I didn't check the rear view for a while and didn't see him)
Me: Sorry about that I was paying attention to the car in front of me
Officer: What were you trying to do catch him
Officer: Give me all of your paperwork

I hand him everything and he walks away. He comes back and says before I write you a ticket do you know why I pulled you over

I say well I am assuming I was going to fast.

He comes back and hands me the ticket to sign. I sign it and he gives me the whole This is not an admission to guilt speach. Then he tells me he cited me for speeding and if I go to court they will probably knock it down to a braketag or something.

Now he was a reserve cop I saw that on his badge. It took him about 20 min to write the ticket. My DL expired on my B-day a week ago and he didn't notice it. On the ticket it says speeding but in the boxes that say how fast you were going and the posted speed limit he left blank. There was no radar unit number on the ticket and he did not list pacing me or anything else.

I am assuming he was at the gas station that I passed on the turn and I let the car wind up to 4500 or so which makes it pretty loud. I think he heard it and figured I was speeding.

So since he did not fill in any speed and obviously did not use radar or paced my car with his I should be able to get the judge to throw this one out right?

IMachU 06-22-2006 01:27 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Well, as stated in the first post about "rules" (and I hate to bring that up, but a lot of people are doing this), this is not a "How do I get out of this ticket" forum. But, to be fair....

It looks loke you could fight this one in court. Ask how long he paced you, if at all. f he says he didn't pace you, has he taken a speed estimation class (prerequisite for the radar class). If not, you win.

kopacko 06-22-2006 02:09 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
I agree with IMachU. If I wrote you, the best I could have done is wreckless driving or something like "failure to maintain safe lookout", but I don't see speeding holding up.

01TruBluGT 06-22-2006 02:58 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Thanks, really I wasn't asking how to get out of it. I just figured you guys know how to write a ticket, wasn't sure if leaving the speed blank was a normal occurance.

I have been paced and ticketed before and they always put paced and usually an estimated distance that they paced me for on the ticket. I didn't see any of that on this one.

Oh well guess I will let the judge figure this one out.

streakn 06-22-2006 03:11 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by 01TruBluGT
Thanks, really I wasn't asking how to get out of it. I just figured you guys know how to write a ticket, wasn't sure if leaving the speed blank was a normal occurance.

I have been paced and ticketed before and they always put paced and usually an estimated distance that they paced me for on the ticket. I didn't see any of that on this one.

Oh well guess I will let the judge figure this one out.

The Sgt. or the Watch Commander will normally catch any mistakes the Officer or Reserve Officer has made and will send it back to the original writer to correct it. In California you will be sent any notice of change on the citation and you have 30 days to pay or challenge the ticket.

Marks04DSG 06-22-2006 10:14 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by Mustanger2
Sorry but I am against the truckers nowdays in a big way... one pulled out into the passing lane today forcing the driver in front of me to slam on his brakes & smoke his tires avoiding the trailer... he went onto the shoulder & I had to brake very hard to miss the car!! This happens on most every freeway trip noe days

Yeah I know, This is why I hate to even get on the interstate anymore. But I think if I were to lean on the trucker being the reason and seeings how I can't prove it the judge might go even harder on me as if I were trying to avoid responsability. I have had so many things like this in my life cost me so much I can't believe they are still happening to me. Oh well.

I'll be sure and revisit and post results.

o3BlueMach1 06-25-2006 09:44 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Just got a reckless driving ticket... have some questions...

Ok, last night after getting out of the local movie theater at around midnight. I did a small burnout (more of a tire skirting launch) right before leaving the parking lot. 20 seconds later, as im driving out of place, 2 police cars from a completely different direction than the movie theater, turn on their lights and pull me over. I do the whole " turn off car, turn lights on" deal and get my papers out. Police officer comes up to the car, asks " so... whatcha do back there?". I said, " Just a small burnout". Asks for license & registration & insurance. I give it to him. He takes it, goes to his car, and comes back. Says, "for reckless driving I could have your car Impounded for 30 days, it would cost you $1800 to get it out. But instead I'm just giving you a citation to appear in court." I say thankyou and drive away....

now my questions...

I know for a fact he didn't see me and only heard me.. does that mean anything?

On the ticket it says I was going 35 in a 10 zone... its a parking lot! I was barely moving! how can he write down 35 in a 10?

I looked it up on the CA DMV website..... It's just as bad as a DUI!!! How could a small unseen burnout be as equal to a guy getting pulled over for being drunk??
It's 2 points that stay on my license for 10 years...Maybe Jail Time.... $500 or more fine? Why?

And another thing I don't get... my friend was right behind me and he did the same thing... small burnout.... and today I find out he only got illegal display of accel.... WTF?!?!

By the way this is in the Bay Area California...

streakn 06-25-2006 11:10 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
First off. Reckless driving has three or more moving violations. Were their pedestrians in the roadway, speeding, etc. etc. Ca DMV should have the exact definition. The speed could be argued and as far as the "chirping", I would say Exhibition of Speed would be more appropriate.

Make sure you know for a fact he didn't see you. Often Law Enforcement will stay back in the "shadows" and just watch people or vehicles until a violation is committed in their presence. If you think you have it beat, get a lawyer or if you are ballsy, represent yourself. Best of luck. Hope this helps.

grapony 06-27-2006 01:35 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
I've got a question I've always wondered about. Have you ever heard that a red car is more likely to get pulled over than say a grey one? I have a grey Lx50 and hardly gets any looks from cops, but when I get in my red TR mach it seems every cop looks and watches me, just waiting for me to slipup. Could this be a little true?

streakn 06-27-2006 02:46 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
I guess it would depend on what your doing (speeding or just cruising). Some cops(like myself) are into cars. If you were to lay a red piece of construction paper on your yard. What would stick out more? If you are putting along in your TR Mach and a grey camaro blows by you on the freeway. The radar/lidar or visual estimation will def. know that the grey was speeding. Hope this helps.

IMachU 06-27-2006 02:51 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Statistically speaking, more white cars get citations than any other color. The reason? More white cars are built than any other color. So no, color does not matter. Your driving habits matter. Drive safe!

streakn 06-28-2006 11:03 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Not getting you run over and cops get weird when they are seated in their car and people approach them. It puts them in a postion of disadvantage. I've told many a people to back away from my car and I will step out of the vehicle, even if it is for a simple "where is such and such street".Glad you had a positive experience with a fellow law dog.

machwal 07-02-2006 02:13 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Greetings Ca cops.
Wondering on the mod thing. I know that technically, I could get cited for ANY mods.
What is your biggest trigger? Loud exhaust? Tinted windows? Louvers?
It's not like I have anything to hide, but I hate the thought that I can get pulled at any time.
I got pulled for no front plate not two weeks after I got the 03MUSL plates. I obeyed like a good citizen and put it on. I'd like to tint the windows, but I'm sure I'll get pulled over monthly.
I know the mach itself is highly visible.
I think I'd feel better if someone had a tale about giving some civic with a fart can a fat ticket, and then when he gave you sh!t, you found numerous other citeable offenses. Tell me a story Mr. lawman . . . .
Thanks in advance.

birdman941 07-02-2006 02:53 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by IMachU
Statistically speaking, more white cars get citations than any other color. The reason? More white cars are built than any other color. So no, color does not matter. Your driving habits matter. Drive safe!

Good, so we won't hear any Black cars complaining. :23:
Or brown, red, etc.......................

MvCrash 07-03-2006 08:28 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by Machevallian
Recently, I had a flat left rear tire in the middle of the night on I-95 here in Miami. I pulled over to the right as far as I could with still the yellow line marking the beginning of the shoulder only a few inches from the flat tire. In other words, I didn't have much room to replace the flat with the spare.

As I was just starting to pull the jack from the trunk, a Florida State Trooper came and pulled behind me, had his blue lights flashing and positioned the spot light on the flat tire.

I diligently got the flat switched to the spare and was putting everything back into the trunk. I was going to thank the officer but over the loud speaker, he told me to just get back into the car and proceed. Later I realized he didn't want me to come along the side of him as to avoid in the first place of me getting run over.

Anyways, I didn't get a chance to thank the officer, so I am thanking you, for some odd reason....

Nice to hear a compliment for the police for a change. If you send a letter to the head of the FHP, put the time, date and location of the incident, they will figure out who it was and give him an "Atta-boy." In the police business, one "atta-boy" is worth ten "oh-shxts." Simply because most folks never take the time to send in a nice note. The nasty ones come by the dozens.

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