2003-04 Mach 1 Registry Owners Club

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IknowAguy 01-03-2008 02:23 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by usmcrebel (Post 926278)
i got two tickets here for some BS gather round listen to my rant i'll leave out the cussing parts that i can.

its jan 20th 2007 i just got back from SOI with the Marines, and im driving home gonna get to see my wife finally. so i pull up to a train crossing and im a little over the line (my back tires). the train passes siren and bubble gum machine go off, im like huh must be a wreck up ahead, so i pull to the side and he gets in behind me. now im like wtf did i do? im sitting there and he come s to the window pistol holster unsnapped all all bad *** acting. i don't really care im a marine it just bugged me. he says "do you know why i pulled you over"..."

This is where you went wrong then went down hill
How about NO SIR
not really.. Is that something you would have said to your DI's or say to your SGT.
Then you asked if it's a law ? Ok So if it isn't a law than no ticket right. why ask

not really" .."you stopped within 15ft of a train crossing", so i asked is that a law or something turns out it is in my state. he comes back with all my stuff and says "your tag is outta date too thats gonna be another citation"...so i explained that i had been gone from home for 9months with the marines and just got back not even 30mins ago. "the GD city place to get your tag renewed isnt even open on the weekends." he pissed me off right here he says "i dont give a **** where you've been, im on the frontlines everyday i could get shot run over or....." i couldnt hold back from here on " who the f are you talking to me like that, your the bastard cop that gives everyone random tickets that are stupid *** laws that no one even knows."..."you f'in think your on the front lines in this town, i dont see you getting shot at, but you think you need to have you **** unclipped come up on me like that. wtf is your problem are your GD f'in nuts that small or do you just need to feel special." he says "calm down sir" ...wrong thing to say "f'in calm down WTF are you talkin about i've been gone 9 GDMF months and come home to this ****, a punk *** pig thats doesnt do anything and demands respect." he started to say something else " STFU, write the **** ticket and ill c you in court MF'er. " i rolled my window up on him until he wrote the ticket. i went to the judge and he was a smart *** too, so i gave him some to, but he was a little more respectful, and i was respectful in turn as well. so i took the tickets paid for them and got a refund 2 weeks later. I dont get harassed and let it go.

I used to get tickets all the time before I joined the MARINES years ago.
Get a MARINE tag (Mine is worth its weight in gold now) and every time your get pulled be respectful even if the person has had a bad day and starts give you a hard time.... hey the bigger azz he is, your chances of getting off are better ..You’ll just defuse the person
But egg him on and you'll what you got
This has not failed me one time

mkb116 01-03-2008 02:31 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by usmcrebel (Post 926278)
i don't really care im a marine it just bugged me.

Hahahah. Your giving marines a bad name.

toad 01-03-2008 03:27 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by mkb116 (Post 926825)
Hahahah. Your giving marines a bad name.

+1 :agree:

Newskool Mach 01-03-2008 05:04 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by toad (Post 926844)
+1 :agree:

:agree: Bro in all my years as a police officer I have never given any service man or woman a ticket. None of them ever acted like you though. You don't know what that cops motivation was for writing that violation. Maybe some kid just got killed at that crossing, or maybe some big wig railroad made a complaint to the police chief. Who knows maybe his SGT had a bug up his azz about that violation and he ordered him to write some tickets. Being a Marine you probably understand about taking orders. Either way being an azzhole is not gonna get you out of a ticket. I always tell my friends and family this, When you get pulled over you may have 99% chance of getting a ticket, don't give up your 1% chance of not getting a ticket for being an azz. In my my whole career I never said well that guy is a complete azz, I think i'm gonna give him a break. This incident aside I respect your service to this country. God bless.

usmcrebel 01-03-2008 02:11 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
i was respectful until i get disrespected...just b/c i have a bad day doesn't mean i can blast a rag head in the face.i was there from the get go from when the train got there and left. no one died, I've gotten my *** chewed plenty of times i don't get pissed. it wasn't the tickets that piss me off it was his attitude. if he wouldn't have treated me like **** it wouldn't have come around.
about giving marines a bad name i don't think so, i was referencing i didn't care that his pistol holster was unclipped, i didn't think they could have it unclipped like he did. so please quote the entire thing next time.
I have been pulled over many times and 75-80% of the cops there are respectful and in turn i am, i even jumped one off in a wally world parking lot.

I don't take **** from anyone, anywhere, anytime. I've been chewed out plenty of times for it, but I'm very respectful to everyone and anyone until they are disrespectful to me or anyone, i just don't stand for it. i wont be disrespected or let anyone be disrespected.

"the GD city place to get your tag renewed isn't even open on the weekends."
that should've come after he started with the i dont give a Sh!^ part

swoop1156 01-03-2008 04:05 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Look, brother. No no no.

I've been over there, gone for months and months. You want to know what I do when I come home and my tag is expired? I get that thing fixed before I drive. I make it legal before I drive on it.

You, sadly from what I read, seem to be one of those that think us men and women in the Military are "Above the Law" or deserve special treatment. While I will be the first to agree that some of the special privelages we DO have are nice and I do enjoy them, I never take being in the Military to mean that I am special.

When you got pulled over, no matter if he had his holster unclipped or whatever -- big deal dude. Mine was unclipped while I was on patrol the other day and didn't even know it until I had to reach for it. It's either a slider, a button or in some cases worse. Things happen. People get pulled over and stupid tickets are isued.

I've had mine and it's obvious that you've had yours. I'd take this as a lesson on how not to act with a Law Enforcement Officer.

Take it to PM's if you feel the need to reply. I don't feel like getting into it here if you must.

usmcrebel 01-03-2008 04:22 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
i found that same cop at wendy's a few weeks later (~ month) and asked him what his deal was about that, he said he was sorry for the way he acted, and if it makes you happy... i apologized too, but he told me i had more balls then any of the old women he pulled over for speeding...i took it as a compliment, and that probate judge ended up getting fired for embezzlement and is serving some time.

did i think i was above the law no i didn't and no i don't how was i supposed to get home? walk...lol that would be a long walk from the airport. my wife didn't have a car ( thats a different issue with her mom :crazy: ). the cops in that county are know for their ticket givin. we had a 3 day take back our road thing and in those three days that county gave out 2000 tickets! the state in total only gave like a little more than 6000.

anyhow next question
can you clock me if your driving down the other side of the road and give me a ticket

swoop1156 01-03-2008 04:57 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by usmcrebel (Post 927106)
how was i supposed to get home? walk...lol

No, you keep on top of paperwork and get it renewed.


Originally Posted by usmcrebel
can you clock me if your driving down the other side of the road and give me a ticket

I've heard yes and no on this. Good question.

Newskool Mach 01-03-2008 05:31 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
anyhow next question
can you clock me if your driving down the other side of the road and give me a ticket

Moving radar clocks vehicles coming at you. This radar is accurate to plus or minus 1 mile an hour. Good luck with your life. And like I said I absolutely respect your service to our country. I just hope you learn how to pick your personal battles. Sometimes the outcome is just not worth the fight. Some people have to learn the hard way.

usmcrebel 01-04-2008 03:42 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
i had no way of calling home to see, but its done with...i don't drive down that road anymore (they tore it up).

hrmm...so they can clock you, **** it, lol well i just got the tickets off my wifes insurance, LOL well looks like lose 1 gain 2. what about when your stationary at night does your lights have to be on?

i do pick my battles, i just pick some even when i know I'm going to lose its an old habit, and i kinda like it. yeah I'm one of the guys you say go around b/c its smarter and easier and i go up the middle.

Newskool Mach 01-05-2008 02:35 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Nope can hide like a thief in the night. :smokin:

usmcrebel 01-05-2008 11:41 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
LOL, well if im ever in palm beach (in my zx2 dont have a mach), ill have to watch for you thieves!:3amin:

IMachU 01-05-2008 09:30 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Don't drive in a manner that draws attention to you, and you'll be just fine. Speed, or drive like a goof, and you WILL get a visit by one of those people you just called "thieves."

USMC REBEL.....why does the screen name fit so well? :D

Git some, Devil Dog!! Thanks for serving.

usmcrebel 01-07-2008 02:52 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
hey man what can i say i didn't pick that name for no reason....yeah, i love cops in general. i thought about being swat, but they didnt have machine guns. my wife is the one that gets nailed by the speed trap cops.

acreature 01-07-2008 03:16 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
My brain hurts.

snakebitx2 01-15-2008 09:06 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Ok so i live in a one block community with townhomes and it's gated. The gates are never closed, but that's not the point. So we get a letter when we first move in that says we can't park on the streets at night or park with our tire in the street. So they built these new homes across from me and they're doing like minor things to them on the inside still so after all the construction people are gone and it's dark i parked in the driveway of one of the unoccupied homes. So someone knocks on my door and i see there's a guy putting my car on the tow truck; out of the drive way. I get really pissed and he tells me there's no way he can take it off and the miles are clocked on the truck and when you put a car on it the tow truck has sensors and knows there's a car on it. he tells me for 55 dollars he'll take it off. I get the money together, but i didn't get a receipt or anything. When he put my car on it scraped the tailpipes and the chin spoiler up pretty bad. My questions are what can i do if anything. Do you think the assosiation had any right to do that without telling us they'd do that. I mean i followed the rules and didn't park in the street at all or anything. Is the tow company responsible for damage done to your car when towing? Will the guy get introuble for not giving me a receipt or anything. Sorry i had to vent i'm pissed he scraped my car and that i lost 55 dollars and i'm in college that's like all my money for awhile.

IMachU 01-15-2008 09:43 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
That is a civil matter, and not a criminal matter. You should talk to an attorney. On a side note, not cool. The tow truck driver/company should have insurance to cover this. I hope you pointed out the damage to the driver at the scene.

acreature 01-15-2008 11:11 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
As far as the tow.... you park on someone elses property, especially in their driveway... you get towed.

As far as the damage... yup - Civil

snakebitx2 01-16-2008 04:39 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by Aneurism (Post 935433)
As far as the tow.... you park on someone elses property, especially in their driveway... you get towed.

As far as the damage... yup - Civil

I mean i guess he owns it, but i wasn't even parking there over night. I was just parking there for a couple of hours like everybody does, because they don't provide enough parking and it's a one car driveway. If they'd provide enough parking this wouldn't be a problem and to "especially in their driveway" nobody lives there and they don't start back to work until like 7 in the morning.

acreature 01-16-2008 07:00 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by snakebitx2 (Post 935537)
I mean i guess he owns it, but i wasn't even parking there over night. I was just parking there for a couple of hours like everybody does, because they don't provide enough parking and it's a one car driveway.

Not the point. You wouldn't want people to arbitrarily parking in your driveway, would you? I’m just saying; hours, overnight, days…. Matters not. :notsure:


Originally Posted by snakebitx2 (Post 935537)
....... nobody lives there and they don't start back to work until like 7 in the morning.

You don't happen to have schedule for the owner which says when he will and will not arrive at his property? :confused:

04VAMach1 01-16-2008 08:33 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by IMachU (Post 935368)
That is a civil matter, and not a criminal matter. You should talk to an attorney. On a side note, not cool. The tow truck driver/company should have insurance to cover this. I hope you pointed out the damage to the driver at the scene.

I wouldn't involve an attorney with this...it would cost more money than it is worth. Damages are less than $500 so I would ask the tow company to pay first. If they don't want to pay, then I would take file a small claims suit. There is no guarantee that you will win, but the threat of a suit may be enough for them to pay it.

snakebitx2 01-16-2008 02:19 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by Aneurism (Post 935547)
Not the point. You wouldn't want people to arbitrarily parking in your driveway, would you? I’m just saying; hours, overnight, days…. Matters not. :notsure:
I own my house and live in it so no.

You don't happen to have schedule for the owner which says when he will and will not arrive at his property? :confused:

No i don't have a schedule for the "owner," because their isn't an owner. Nobody lives in it they're trying to sell them. There's just the contracter who's a jerk and has caused problems with alot of the home owners, because he thinks he's god.

Originally Posted by 04VAMach1 (Post 935582)
I wouldn't involve an attorney with this...it would cost more money than it is worth. Damages are less than $500 so I would ask the tow company to pay first. If they don't want to pay, then I would take file a small claims suit. There is no guarantee that you will win, but the threat of a suit may be enough for them to pay it.

I looked at the scraping today and it's not really all that bad, but it was unecessary for it to happen in the first place. What i've decided to do is just write an anonymous letter to the HOA and get on them about the gates not working and the construction people leaving trash everywhere in our yards and down the street and also complain that we don't have enough parking and the homeowners should be able to vote to see if we want to be able to park on the street.

04texasmach 01-17-2008 02:20 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by usmcrebel (Post 929782)
hey man what can i say i didn't pick that name for no reason....yeah, i love cops in general. i thought about being swat, but they didnt have machine guns. my wife is the one that gets nailed by the speed trap cops.

i agree with what you did... some cops need a a$$ chewing. the ones around here break their own laws they try to enforce all the time and there isnt much you can do about it. there was nothing you could do about your tag's being out. when i got back from iraq mine were out and there was nothing i could do about it for a few days since the following day was a holiday then the weekend...

im not trying to say i dislike cops but some need to be set straight. i understand it is a risky job but it comes with the terrortory.

jledesma 01-17-2008 10:28 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
I am a 12 year veteran P.O. w/ Honolulu Police Dept. I also own and use my 04 Mach 1 for police duty. If you have visited Oahu you probably have seen many subsidized vehicles for police duty here (Toyotas, Fords, Infiniti, etc)
I always explain to a driver what the infraction was that they committed and if they are sincere in their attitude and honest about their driving, I will gladly offer a warning & let them go without a citation. I think it would be safe to say that most Officers anywhere would be do the same. Unfortunately there are also a**hole cops too! Sucks to be you if you ever get pulled over by one. They will cite you no matter what. Even give their fellow cops a bad time if they were stopped off-duty.
My advice is have a good attitude and a sense of humor. It will go a long way in the officers decision if he should write or not write a tag. Too many drivers want to argue that they did not commit a traffic offense when they did. Also, we do not have a quota system. Here, some officers give tickets to make overtime because drivers want to contest the tag in court. We get paid overtime if we go to court on our off-duty. So that phrase of "i'll see you in court" is welcomed by many officers. On a lighter note, most of us could write a funny book of the many unusual excuses and methods drivers use to try and get off with a warning. Drive safe and be respectful to others. Hope to post some pics of my blk. on blk. Mach 1 with blue light attached.

04texasmach 01-18-2008 09:33 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by jledesma (Post 936611)
I am a 12 year veteran P.O. w/ Honolulu Police Dept. I also own and use my 04 Mach 1 for police duty. If you have visited Oahu you probably have seen many subsidized vehicles for police duty here (Toyotas, Fords, Infiniti, etc)
I always explain to a driver what the infraction was that they committed and if they are sincere in their attitude and honest about their driving, I will gladly offer a warning & let them go without a citation. I think it would be safe to say that most Officers anywhere would be do the same. Unfortunately there are also a**hole cops too! Sucks to be you if you ever get pulled over by one. They will cite you no matter what. Even give their fellow cops a bad time if they were stopped off-duty.
My advice is have a good attitude and a sense of humor. It will go a long way in the officers decision if he should write or not write a tag. Too many drivers want to argue that they did not commit a traffic offense when they did. Also, we do not have a quota system. Here, some officers give tickets to make overtime because drivers want to contest the tag in court. We get paid overtime if we go to court on our off-duty. So that phrase of "i'll see you in court" is welcomed by many officers. On a lighter note, most of us could write a funny book of the many unusual excuses and methods drivers use to try and get off with a warning. Drive safe and be respectful to others. Hope to post some pics of my blk. on blk. Mach 1 with blue light attached.

what are some of the crazy excuses that you hear?

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