2003-04 Mach 1 Registry Owners Club

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-   -   Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007 (http://www.mach1registry.org/forums/showthread.php?t=55125)

Mikestang 05-30-2007 08:35 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
I think something was wrong i went to the store and got supplies
10- food -steak
30 - booze

i think the ratio is off a little bit

oh I also got some killer chocolate cake and like 2lbs of mac salad
with\without eggs

bris09 05-30-2007 08:57 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007

Originally Posted by Mikestang (Post 802938)
Were was the traffic what route ?
I am wondering if I am going to hit it tomarrow ???????

It is up to you but might I suggest taking 84 west to 81 south. 78 sucks!!! I spent an hour going 5 miles last Friday. I took 81 to 84 yesterday and today. There is some Construction but it wasn't that bad.

Heag, did you catch the construction right at Rt. 15?

old school 05-30-2007 08:58 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007

Originally Posted by Nekasrof (Post 802875)
I'll be there on Friday at some point. Had plans on leaving early Friday morning but.............HAVE A CRACKED F'n WINDSHIELD!!!!!! It JUST happened like an hour ago. And of all things, I was doin like 10mph on the ShureKill exp, comin home from work. In traffic, not bothering anyone, minding my own business, when a stone from the east bound side hits the windshield below the wiper. Couldn't even see it so I didn't think it broke! WRONG!!! When I got off the Royersford exit of 422, here came the line out from under the wiper blade. $#%*&^%#$##$&*^*%&$^#%#&*& Nice, huh?

Anyway, windshield goin in tomorrow. Mustang windshield = $200, Mach 1 windshield = $500. I am so glad I have a unique car. It's better to give them the extra $300, right? Who needs it anyway. Oh, the difference?? The Mach 1 has the nice little pony running on it. FOR $500???!!!!!

See ya'll Friday at some point. :wtf:

Ouch....that sucks...see ya friday evil...it'll be me, you, roy,& todd at the Homewood...sounds like a frat house already..good thing it's a big suite !!:D

HAEG 05-30-2007 09:11 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
I picked up some stuff locally BEERS, burgers, dogs, chips, brought the ribs, potato salad, pasta salad, bratwurst & kraut with me. If everyone else brings there stuff we will have plenty, and what A cool BBQ we will have, lets hope the weather holds up on Friday night. Anyone coming to the Homewood Suites for the BBQ, you may need to enter thru the lobby, main entrance and into the center court yard area, go past the pool area, we should be back behind the pool house area, we will be grilling & chilling. Master Chefs JDraper AKA Emeril Lagasse (with a spatula) & Old School AKA Bobby Flay (boy meets grill), in action.
Dare we say, BAM!! to Kick it up a notch. See most of ya at the show field tomorrow. :)

Guys while your grilling, I'll be feeding you the cold beers. :CHEERS:

HAEG 05-30-2007 09:19 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007

Originally Posted by bris09 (Post 802964)
It is up to you but might I suggest taking 84 west to 81 south. 78 sucks!!! I spent an hour going 5 miles last Friday. I took 81 to 84 yesterday and today. There is some Construction but it wasn't that bad.

Heag, did you catch the construction right at Rt. 15?

No issue's getting off the turnpike, except that you darn near have to stop and bare right on a 65 MPH highway, PATPK, to make exit 236 west bound, but I made it, and actually right off the exit heading RT 15 N could have turned sooner into Rosmoyne Industrial Park, which is the hotel instead of going up to the light and turning and dealing with a few extra traffic lights. Thats why I wanted to get here tonight, and wake up thursday morning and deal with AM rush getting into Carlisle. I will head to the fairgrounds I guess around 10 AM tomorrow, get registered and get the layout of the parking area, see who else shows up.

Sorry for any flubs in my typing, big fingers on a little laptop leeds to hitting too many keys....

Linumup 05-30-2007 09:21 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
What time does the boat leave the dock on Fri. ?

Wont be there tomorrow as planned . Unfortunately the car is suppose to be on dyno tomorrow and complete . Tore totally down yesterday .

Anyways ill be picking the car up Fri. morning and heading over . Just a few minutes away from you guys . Tuner is right down the street . Wifes family from Colorado is making a surprise visit so ill we be solo .

Genghis Mach 05-30-2007 09:23 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
I wiil check here tommorrow for times of going to fairgrounds on fri am.I wiil be out and about the Hampton parking lot at 6 am cleaning car from ride. May bring laptop to check post from hotell also.

bris09 05-30-2007 09:25 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007

Originally Posted by HAEG (Post 802984)
No issue's getting off the turnpike, except that you darn near have to stop and bare right on a 65 MPH highway, PATPK, to make exit 236 west bound, but I made it, and actually right off the exit heading RT 15 N could have turned sooner into Rosmoyne Industrial Park, which is the hotel instead of going up to the light and turning and dealing with a few extra traffic lights. Thats why I wanted to get here tonight, and wake up thursday morning and deal with AM rush getting into Carlisle. I will head to the fairgrounds I guess around 10 AM tomorrow, get registered and get the layout of the parking area, see who else shows up.

Sorry for any flubs in my typing, big fingers on a little laptop leeds to hitting too many keys....

That exit is a dousy isn't it. It's not marked very well.

To those that aren't aware, as your leaving the tolls booths and heading towards 15N, there is a road that exits to the right. If you take that and turn left at the stop sign it will take you right to the hotel. As Haeg mentioned it saves you time and has a lot less traffic.

Linumup 05-30-2007 09:30 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007

Originally Posted by bris09 (Post 802999)
That exit is a dousy isn't it. It's not marked very well.

To those that aren't aware, as your leaving the tolls booths and heading towards 15N, there is a road that exits to the right. If you take that and turn left at the stop sign it will take you right to the hotel. As Haeg mentioned it saves you time and has a lot less traffic.

How far is the hotel from SGS ? Whats the quickest way . Not the safest . LOL

DarkShadow 05-30-2007 09:34 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007

Originally Posted by kevvy6903 (Post 802494)
To anyone leaving the Mass. area on Thursday morning....The NH Mustang Club will be meeting on the Mass Pike (West) at the Charlton rest stop (just after rte 290) at 7:00 am. We plan to leave between 7:30 and 8:00 am at the latest. I think we have about 20 cars (including several mach1s) caravaning :ORANGE: Come join us!!! I do not know the exact route we are taking. I do know that we make one stop for fuel and food.

We are staying at the Days Inn in Carlisle.

See ya on the field :CHEERS:

I'm gonna try to make it to the Charlton, MA rest area tomorrow morning by 8:00 for the caravan down. I PM'd you my cell number, Can you do the same or call me at 7 tomorrow morning? I don't want to miss you guys. It really shouldn't be a problem getting there by then so try not to leave earlier than 8 if possible.


HAEG 05-30-2007 09:34 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
Hotel is on RT 15, not sure where SGS is.

bris09 05-30-2007 09:34 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007

Originally Posted by linemup (Post 803003)
How far is the hotel from SGS ? Whats the quickest way . Not the safest . LOL

From where you are coming from, straight up Rt. 15. Kinda boring compaired to some of the side roads but it is the quickest. Not really sure of the mileage, never paid attention. It's not that far, maybe 10 miles at the most?

bris09 05-30-2007 09:40 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
Haeg, have you had a cold one for me yet? I have a job in Perryville, MD tomorrow. Hopefully I can get done early and be back in time to swing by the fairgrounds to sign in. Then meet you guys at Hooters.

Linumup 05-30-2007 09:44 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007

Originally Posted by bris09 (Post 803009)
From where you are coming from, straight up Rt. 15. Kinda boring compaired to some of the side roads but it is the quickest. Not really sure of the mileage, never paid attention. It's not that far, maybe 10 miles at the most?

Thats what Dave said . I know how to get to his shop with my eyes closed .
Thats not necessarily a good thing .

mach18604 05-30-2007 10:05 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
Oh man I didnt think about not being able to sell it..

You guys think I would get away with printing up some papers and just have them sit on the whindsheld??

Where do they have the stuff for sale?
I would rather park with you guys...

HAEG 05-30-2007 10:06 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007

Originally Posted by bris09 (Post 803014)
Haeg, have you had a cold one for me yet? I have a job in Perryville, MD tomorrow. Hopefully I can get done early and be back in time to swing by the fairgrounds to sign in. Then meet you guys at Hooters.

Of course, tonights meal at the hotel included Yuengling and an assortment of wine's, which went down great with a beer chaser, and some food stuff.
2 case's in the fridge now, you staying at the hotel, or commuting Brian??
BTW, after diner at H(.)(.)TERS tomorrow night, new arrivals to the hotel are welcome to an ice cold refreshment, my treat. :)

Genghis Mach 05-30-2007 10:11 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007

Originally Posted by mach18604 (Post 803054)
Oh man I didnt think about not being able to sell it..

You guys think I would get away with printing up some papers and just have them sit on the whindsheld??

Where do they have the stuff for sale?
I would rather park with you guys...

Maybe you can find your answers here.http://www.carsatcarlisle.com/guest/general.asp

bris09 05-30-2007 10:13 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
I'm just across the river so I'll be commuting.

mach18604, you more than likely won't be able to put the papers on the windshield but you might be able to put on the dash or the seat. I've heard they are rather strict about selling cars in the showfield.

Time to call it a night. The earlier I leave in the morning the earlier I get home. Hopefully I'll see you guys tomorrow night.

Wldponi03 05-30-2007 10:43 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
I will see you all sometime tomorrow afternoon, or early evening not sure when we will be arriving.

Mikestang 05-31-2007 07:45 AM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
leaving in about 15 or 20 min last post from home see ya all at homewood

greygod 05-31-2007 01:09 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
car is clean and packed waiting for my nephew to get here.
should be on road by 2pm. hope to be there by 10 tonight.
hope dc traffic is not all jacked up.

Genghis Mach 05-31-2007 03:08 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
Finally,My time to leave ,car is packed,suv packed,pick up wife at school and get rolling.Mechanicsburg by midnight see you all Fri. am.

mach18604 05-31-2007 04:10 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
Well I have a few people hot on the car. I am going to take my chances that it will sell without me bringing the car to the show. I bet it will cost me alot in GA$ to tow it all the way from ohio.

See you guys there tomarrow!

03mach1 05-31-2007 04:29 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
Made into Carlisle around 12:30pm about a 5 hour drive. Checked in at the Fairgrounds,

Mach 1 Reunion/Club - We are at GATE #1, just outside the fence near the old building, the tent is our Club Tent. Just REGISTER and ENTER AT GATE #3 and turn RIGHT and go all the way down to Gate #1. (Follow the signs)

Many others are here too! They are Outside washing the bugs off the car, the weather is 88-90 degrees!! Very warm, SOMEONE already laid some rubber in the parking lot. Hooters in about an Hour.....:)

SPDASND 05-31-2007 08:09 PM

Re: Carlisle All Fords Mach 1 Regional - June 1-3, 2007
We are leaving tomorrow morning and should be there around 12-2pm. Picking up my car form the dyno right before I head up!! It made 510whp/490tq @ 10lbs (TT57mm) ...see you all there!!

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