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Fenixfire 01-18-2010 06:03 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Thunderbolt (Post 1240791)
Wrong. Bradshaw had 4.

Ah yes, forgot about good ole Terry....Tied for most in history. lol

Big Ron 01-18-2010 08:30 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Fenixfire (Post 1240989)
Ah yes, forgot about good ole Terry....Tied for most in history. lol

....y'all forgot about Charles Haley! with 5!

Firebreed05 01-18-2010 08:46 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread
I'm calling a Saints vs Colts Superbowl. Top 2 teams in the league going head to head at the big show....just how it should be. And let's face it, that's the matchup everyone's been wanting to see all season long.

Thunderbolt 01-18-2010 08:57 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Big Ron (Post 1241039)
....y'all forgot about Charles Haley! with 5!

It was about Quarterback's though.

65fastback2+2 01-18-2010 08:57 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Firebreed05 (Post 1241045)
I'm calling a Saints vs Colts Superbowl. Top 2 teams in the league going head to head at the big show....just how it should be. And let's face it, that's the matchup everyone's been wanting to see all season long.

except the saints wont be able to get passed the vikings

KEVINC66 01-18-2010 08:59 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Firebreed05 (Post 1241045)
I'm calling a Saints vs Colts Superbowl. Top 2 teams in the league going head to head at the big show....just how it should be. And let's face it, that's the matchup everyone's been wanting to see all season long.

Even a Colts/Vikings Super Bowl would be exciting, you know the whole Favre thing going on. I like the Jets, they remind me of the Ravens when they won in 2000, a great D and low percentage confidence in their QB(Dilfer) But which ever way it goes, it'll be historic in some regard.............................Kevin.

Firebreed05 01-18-2010 09:07 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by 65fastback2+2 (Post 1241054)
except the saints wont be able to get passed the vikings

Why.....cuz your Cowgirls couldn't? :D

Explain this to me........in detail. Let me guess..........because of Favre???? Got news for ya, Favre ain't the reason the Vikes put it on the Cowboys Sunday. You can thank MN's front D for that. But the NO's front O line isn't the leaking ship that Dallas was yesterday, so if they hope to stay toe to toe with Brees and the Saint's offense.....Favre will have to play some **** good ball. Don't get me wrong, it's gonna be one helluva game, but I'm sick of ppl calling it the Vike's win just because of Favre. I'll give mojo to the Vikings for the Vikings fans sake (to see their team do well).......not to Favre because he needs some kind of grand bookend to his career.

KEVINC66 01-18-2010 09:19 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Firebreed05 (Post 1241060)
Why.....cuz your Cowgirls couldn't? :D

Explain this to me........in detail. Let me guess..........because of Favre???? Got news for ya, Favre ain't the reason the Vikes put it on the Cowboys Sunday. You can thank MN's front D for that. But the NO's front O line isn't the leaking ship that Dallas was yesterday, so if they hope to stay toe to toe with Brees and the Saint's offense.....Favre will have to play some **** good ball. Don't get me wrong, it's gonna be one helluva game, but I'm sick of ppl calling it the Vike's win just because of Favre. I'll give mojo to the Vikings for the Vikings fans sake (to see their team do well).......not to Favre because he needs some kind of grand bookend to his career.

The Vikings were losers with Tavaris Jackson and Peterson running for 150 yds a game for the last couple years. Its a chemistry thing, if it was'nt for Favre and the D, the Vikings would'nt be in this position. I'm not a Favre fan, I can care less who wins on sunday, just calling it like I see it.........................................Kevin.

Firebreed05 01-18-2010 10:43 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Favre. He's still got it. But last time I checked......Brees wasn't exactly chopped meat either. THAT'S what I'm saying. But that's cool, the Saints have always been the perennial underdog/joke. I can understand no one wanting to give them the benefit of the doubt right now. We'll find out next week if the Black and Gold magic is still there........and if Favre still has the chops to bring home the bacon to his new hometown.

Fenixfire 01-19-2010 12:11 AM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Thunderbolt (Post 1241053)
It was about Quarterback's though.


Fenixfire 01-19-2010 12:14 AM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Firebreed05 (Post 1241091)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Favre. He's still got it. But last time I checked......Brees wasn't exactly chopped meat either. THAT'S what I'm saying. But that's cool, the Saints have always been the perennial underdog/joke. I can understand no one wanting to give them the benefit of the doubt right now. We'll find out next week if the Black and Gold magic is still there........and if Favre still has the chops to bring home the bacon to his new hometown.

The vikings win against the cowgirls wasnt all Favre no. The defense just ripped Dallas apart. The vikings got some good D. I dont know who is gonna win between the saints and the vikings. I think its gonna be a good game that could go either way. That being said, for being a 40 year old quarterback Favre is pretty impressive. Besides.....Id say he had alittle to do with their win over the cowgirls considering he threw 4 TD passes.....and looked pretty freakin good doing it. :P

Newskool Mach 01-19-2010 12:17 AM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by np_mach1 (Post 1240856)
That would be a HUGE if.

Manning is going to rip them up!

What part of number one defense don't you understand? Not only number one but all with being on the field all the time, due to numerous turnovers. Manning will have his hands full. I'm not saying we are gonna win but don't count us out like the Chargers.


Fenixfire 01-19-2010 12:28 AM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Newskool Mach (Post 1241130)
What part of number one defense don't you understand? Not only number one but all with being on the field all the time, due to numerous turnovers. Manning will have his hands full. I'm not saying we are gonna win but don't count us out like the Chargers.


Good luck with that....

Newskool Mach 01-19-2010 12:31 AM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Fenixfire (Post 1241136)
Good luck with that....

Yea you were one of the guys that "knew" the Chargers were gonna route us right?

Firebreed05 01-19-2010 12:55 AM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Fenixfire (Post 1241129)
The vikings win against the cowgirls wasnt all Favre no. The defense just ripped Dallas apart. The vikings got some good D. I dont know who is gonna win between the saints and the vikings. I think its gonna be a good game that could go either way. That being said, for being a 40 year old quarterback Favre is pretty impressive. Besides.....Id say he had alittle to do with their win over the cowgirls considering he threw 4 TD passes.....and looked pretty freakin good doing it. :P

Yea, I say that it wasn't Favre because if the Vike's D hadn't been a holy terror Romo might have had a chance to keep the score close/closer. I think the Saints/Vikings game is gonna come down to who puts up a better defensive showing.....because both teams' offenses have the potential to light up the scoreboard. This is assuming of course that both teams offenses are in top form for this weekend. Honestly, as much as I'm pulling for the Saints on this one.......there's simply no way to definitively call that game. It's going to be a good one to watch.

ASH302 01-19-2010 01:27 AM

Re: NFL Football Thread
Cowboys suck again, i'm thinkin new qb soon,

FordMan 01-19-2010 09:28 AM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by 460hpmach1 (Post 1241154)
Cowboys suck again, i'm thinkin new coaching staff soon,


No1Ford 01-19-2010 10:41 AM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by 65fastback2+2 (Post 1241054)
except the saints wont be able to get passed the vikings

I agree!:worship: This is the viking year, first the saints then the colts! "Superbowl homeboy"!:23:

65fastback2+2 01-19-2010 11:48 AM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by No1Ford (Post 1241199)
I agree!:worship: This is the viking year, first the saints then the colts! "Superbowl homeboy"!:23:

as much of a Cowboys fan as I am, when Favre signed with the vikings at the beginning of the season I said the viks would win it all. that hasnt changed.

np_mach1 01-19-2010 12:54 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Newskool Mach (Post 1241130)
What part of number one defense don't you understand? Not only number one but all with being on the field all the time, due to numerous turnovers. Manning will have his hands full. I'm not saying we are gonna win but don't count us out like the Chargers.


What part of PEYTON don't you understand :23:

The D is good, but Revis can't be everywhere. There are some big weak links in the safty position on the Jets... so who do you want Revis to cover Reggie or Pierre cause either one of those guys will get open and carve up the secondary if you leave them alone. You also have to dedicate a person to Dallas Clark. Hell, even Collie is a threat.

Sanchez will be running for his life with the Colts pass rush.

I can appreciate the Cinderella story, but C'MON MAN! :23:

Fenixfire 01-19-2010 02:47 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Newskool Mach (Post 1241139)
Yea you were one of the guys that "knew" the Chargers were gonna route us right?

Actually no. I wasnt one of those guys. I knew the Jets had a "chance", but I know the chargers had the advantage.

That being said, the fact that you think the Jets even remotely have a chance of beating the colts is purely because you are a jets fan and not really backed by any real hard numbers that show they might actually have a shot.

Now I will say that "any given sunday" a team can pull a big upset, but the odds are HEAVILY stacked against the Jets on pulling that off.

Their #1 defense may be able to hold manning back alittle bit from scoring, but he will still find a way to score. And the Jets pathetic offense still wont be able to keep up.

2k4mach 01-19-2010 03:00 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by FordMan (Post 1241189)

no doubt about that. classic Jerry Jones, its not the players but the coaching staff.:23:

Newskool Mach 01-19-2010 11:13 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by np_mach1 (Post 1241247)
What part of PEYTON don't you understand :23:

The D is good, but Revis can't be everywhere. There are some big weak links in the safty position on the Jets... so who do you want Revis to cover Reggie or Pierre cause either one of those guys will get open and carve up the secondary if you leave them alone. You also have to dedicate a person to Dallas Clark. Hell, even Collie is a threat.

Sanchez will be running for his life with the Colts pass rush.

I can appreciate the Cinderella story, but C'MON MAN! :23:

Peyton is a hall of famer and so is Tom Brady, Brady is playing golf now. I'm not saying the Jets are gonna win, they will be in the game for 4 quarters. Manning managed to Score a whopping 15 points in 40 minutes against us last time, and knowing he was coming out wanted to play well and score enough points to win without him. The Jets D was on the field the majority of the time due to the offense not sustaining a drive and they still only scored 15 points. Rex is the master and I guarantee Freeney won't be coming in unblocked like last game. Their run defense is 24th in the league and our rushing game is #1. Sanchez is maturing and the modified game plan is working. It has nothing to do with me being a Jets fan, it has to do with the fact I have watched every minute of every Jet game this year and I know how we play. I have watched the Colts several times too and they were very close to getting beat, some poor play from teams like the Dolphins kept them undefeated. All we have to do is sack Manning once (not at all easy to do) and he will get rattled. Last time we played them in the playoffs we won 41-0 and that was with Manning and Harrison. Don't count us out.

j21moss 01-20-2010 01:25 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread
Sorry!!!! I like our chances better!!!!

Go BLUE!!!...GO COLTS!!!

np_mach1 01-20-2010 02:05 PM

Re: NFL Football Thread

Originally Posted by Newskool Mach (Post 1241463)
Peyton is a hall of famer and so is Tom Brady, Brady is playing golf now. I'm not saying the Jets are gonna win, they will be in the game for 4 quarters. Manning managed to Score a whopping 15 points in 40 minutes against us last time, and knowing he was coming out wanted to play well and score enough points to win without him. The Jets D was on the field the majority of the time due to the offense not sustaining a drive and they still only scored 15 points. Rex is the master and I guarantee Freeney won't be coming in unblocked like last game. Their run defense is 24th in the league and our rushing game is #1. Sanchez is maturing and the modified game plan is working. It has nothing to do with me being a Jets fan, it has to do with the fact I have watched every minute of every Jet game this year and I know how we play. I have watched the Colts several times too and they were very close to getting beat, some poor play from teams like the Dolphins kept them undefeated. All we have to do is sack Manning once (not at all easy to do) and he will get rattled. Last time we played them in the playoffs we won 41-0 and that was with Manning and Harrison. Don't count us out.

That colts D gets better the later they play and Peyton, as proven against the Phins, can score at will. The dolphins, the pats and other teams cannot stop Peyton once he has you figured out. Yes, if you hit Peyton enough he gets flustered, but what about Sanchez?

I am counting the Jets out and I don't think the game will even be close. The Jets will have to play catch up making their run game a moot point, and there is no way you can put the game on Sanchez's shoulders.

In the last game the Jets got trash yards in the 3rd & 4th quarter running and were shut down the first half with a combined (both running backs) rushing effort of under 100yds.

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