2003-04 Mach 1 Registry Owners Club

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kopacko 02-01-2006 10:58 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by streakn
Wow! I hope you all don't have a weapon malfunction in the heat of the battle....not even on duty?

Yep...unfortunately...my department was the subject of 3 major lawsuits in the late 90s. Because of them, Tennessee has a strict no high speed pursuit policy. You will be brought up on charges if you do. It is a little crazy.

streakn 02-01-2006 11:01 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by IMachU
If they let me carry a tac light on it while in the holster, I would have one by now. But since I have to put it on after I unholster, it is not on my immediate "to-do" list....the 65 engine seems more pressing.

Why don't you just sell the 65 and invest the money you make into my 69. :idea:

streakn 02-01-2006 11:02 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by kopacko
Yep...unfortunately...my department was the subject of 3 major lawsuits in the late 90s. Because of them, Tennessee has a strict no high speed pursuit policy. You will be brought up on charges if you do. It is a little crazy.

I'm sad to say that California probably isn't to far behind the pursuit thing. We have to many criminals now that it would give them the advantage. Until then...buckle up and hold on..."Get on it Mel!"

kevsrcode 02-01-2006 11:08 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by streakn
They issue you a backup? Or is that your personal?I'm picking up my Glock 27 .40 for off duty tomorrow. Trading in my Sig .40

It's my personal weapon. My department doesn't issue weapons, I've bought them all myself. I like the 27 because it takes the same ammo as the 22 and you can use the same magazines. So if you 22 fails, is lost or taken, you've got the mag in the 27 plus the two mags for the 22 on your belt. Plus you have the same firing platform/trigger pull for both your primary and secondary weapons.

streakn 02-01-2006 11:11 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by kevsrcode
It's my personal weapon. My department doesn't issue weapons, I've bought them all myself. I like the 27 because it takes the same ammo as the 22 and you can use the same magazines. So if you 22 fails, is lost or taken, you've got the mag in the 27 plus the two mags for the 22 on your belt. Plus you have the same firing platform/trigger pull for both your primary and secondary weapons.

So true. Our dept. is thinking about going to Glocks. Not to thrilled about it, but I have thought about the point you just made.Officer safety overall.

streakn 02-01-2006 11:34 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

MACHrophage 02-01-2006 11:43 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Florida Orange...I have not been in traffic court in years...I am currently in the gun unit of my office...However when I did handle traffic violations the insurance co. often worked with us...they try to get restitution ($$$) from the defendant if he or she was at fault ( like in a stolen auto case) additionally, if the defendent is found criminally liable that makes the civil case against him/her a breeze because the civil court can take "judicial notice" of the criminal courts findings...( in plain english the insurance co. does not have to work very hard to show that the defendant was at fault).

In the situation you describe the insurance co. could have been talking about admissibilty of the officer's arrest report. The general rule is that your only allowed to testify about what you yourself saw, heard, smelt, tasted, felt ( your own personal observations) anything based on another's personal observations is generally considered hearsay and is not admissible. The insurance co. was probably saying that since the officer did not see the incident himself, he could not testify to what was in his report. ( because his report is based on the observations of others).

Hope this was helpful

streakn 02-01-2006 11:53 PM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by MACHrophage
Florida Orange...I have not been in traffic court in years...I am currently in the gun unit of my office...However when I did handle traffic violations the insurance co. often worked with us...they try to get restitution ($$$) from the defendant if he or she was at fault ( like in a stolen auto case) additionally, if the defendent is found criminally liable that makes the civil case against him/her a breeze because the civil court can take "judicial notice" of the criminal courts findings...( in plain english the insurance co. does not have to work very hard to show that the defendant was at fault).

In the situation you describe the insurance co. could have been talking about admissibilty of the officer's arrest report. The general rule is that your only allowed to testify about what you yourself saw, heard, smelt, tasted, felt ( your own personal observations) anything based on another's personal observations is generally considered hearsay and is not admissible. The insurance co. was probably saying that since the officer did not see the incident himself, he could not testify to what was in his report. ( because his report is based on the observations of others).

Hope this was helpful

You are the man Machrophage.LOL

New Mach 02-02-2006 12:00 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by kevsrcode
It's my personal weapon. My department doesn't issue weapons, I've bought them all myself. I like the 27 because it takes the same ammo as the 22 and you can use the same magazines. So if you 22 fails, is lost or taken, you've got the mag in the 27 plus the two mags for the 22 on your belt. Plus you have the same firing platform/trigger pull for both your primary and secondary weapons.

I use the exact same set up 22/27, I call it "The System." What you're saying makes sense and I can't believe how many officers don't carry a back-up or at least on that makes sense (I woudnt' be caught dead carring an Airlight, 380's or .22 etc).

However, we have one fellow that carries 2 back-ups. He's ready for the "big-one."


streakn 02-02-2006 12:03 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by Vffr1
I use the exact same set up 22/27, I call it "The System." What you're saying makes sense and I can't believe how many officers don't have a back-up or at least on that makes sense (Airlights, 380's etc).

However, we have one fellow that carries 2 back-ups. he's ready for the "big-one."


Dang he must hate range days.

IMachU 02-02-2006 12:08 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
We ARE going to Glocks with the tritium sights front/rear....the .40 cal and a few .45 cal, dunno which model numbers. We have already bought them, and the trade-in allowance on the Berettas is around $250 each, sowe are getting the guns cheap. We are just waiting on the policy to get signed off by County Counsel (like the City Atty). But I'm keeping the H&K...much better quality firearm.

IMachU 02-02-2006 12:09 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by streakn
Why don't you just sell the 65 and invest the money you make into my 69. :idea:



New Mach 02-02-2006 12:09 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
"Dang he must hate range days."

I think it's fair to say, "He's into it".

We have our own 10 lane indoor range that's at the Dept. Free ammo and it's open until at 12 midnight 7 days a week. Pretty nice set-up. A good friend of mine is going to lateral, the range was the deciding factor.


mlv289 02-02-2006 12:13 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
This is a great thread. I have a question regarding when a DUI/wreckless driving is witnessed. I had all kinds of thoughts run through my head the other night on my way home when I saw some jack*** swerving all over the road, coming into other peoples lanes, etc. I don't know if the driver was drunk, or just some punk trying to show off to his friend or girlfriend (it was ricer afterall, Celica). It almost seem to exagerated to be drunk, but I am no professional... Anyway, is there anything that can be done besides calling it in? It took a little over 8 minutes for a response time, which is good I guess, as it was out in "rural" area, but yet it is a well traveled road, and he made at least 15 cars that I counted have to evasive action to avoid a wreck. I realize that any forceful action taken by a civilian driver could amount to more damage and/or casualities, but if there was an opening, and other drivers were now keeping distance, and I was in my beater......could I do anything and have any legal grounds? Afterall, the driver is endangering my life, as well as others....I don't know, maybe a stupid question but I really wanted to run him off the road and then beat him down for being an idiot driver, or a drunk driver, whatever the case was. Or at least block him somehow...

MACHrophage 02-02-2006 12:18 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
I have a .40 cal Glock as my personal gun...we can get concealled carry permits due to our line of work, but I don't see the need to walk around "packin" considering I have lived my whole life w/o doing so.

I love that gun it is the perfect mix of power and control. One of the things I like best about the gun is how easy it is to breakdown clean and put back together. My friend has an H & K and his is a pain in the *** to clean after we go to the range.

I have heard people complain about the glocks due to the fact that they are not all metal.. but I have never had a problem and it rarely if ever jams, so I feel like it is a pretty reliable gun.

MACHrophage 02-02-2006 12:25 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
mlv289...I would strongly advise against taking any action on your own...let professionals handle the situation. There are plenty of homocides & shootings due to road rage incidents. I see them all the time. The person driving that car is behaving erratically and you have no idea what they are capable of or if they have a weapon.

Bottomline, call it in and leave it to the police.

There was a case that a co-worker just handled where a young man cut off another guy as they were driving...the went back and forth exchanging expletives and eventually the one guy forced the other to pull over. Long story short one guy took out a gun and shot the other several times. Luckily no one was fatally wounded.

IMachU 02-02-2006 12:25 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
MLV289 - The best thing to do is follow at a SAFE distance and call it in. While on the phone with the Highway Patrol dispatcher, describe exactly what the vehicle is doing - like swerving, driving too slow/fast, as the driver does it. That will help with the officer's investigation, and the 911 tape will be called in as evidence.

As tempting as it would be to run someone off the road, put a beat down on 'em, box them in, etc., please do not attempt to do anything like that. First, you are putting yourself and, more importantly, your Mach, in a position of danger. You have no idea if the guy is drunk, or worse, high. Does he/she have a gun in the car? Is it someone weaving because they are having a fight with their significant other? Those are questions you can't answer. The best thing to do is be the best witness you can be. Don't wreck the Mach, for goodness sake!! :D Looking past my humor, I hope I have answered your question.

mlv289 02-02-2006 12:31 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Thanks guys. and BTW, notice in my original post, one of the main items in the scenario was "I am in my beater"!!! :teeth: Does that make it a little better!?!

IMachU 02-02-2006 12:34 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
hahahaha - I read right past the beater part! Much better!! :D

New Mach 02-02-2006 12:43 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
In a nut shell, good witnesses help win court cases, so it's best to remian a witness, not a victim or suspect.


streakn 02-02-2006 12:48 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by mlv289
This is a great thread. I have a question regarding when a DUI/wreckless driving is witnessed. I had all kinds of thoughts run through my head the other night on my way home when I saw some jack*** swerving all over the road, coming into other peoples lanes, etc. I don't know if the driver was drunk, or just some punk trying to show off to his friend or girlfriend (it was ricer afterall, Celica). It almost seem to exagerated to be drunk, but I am no professional... Anyway, is there anything that can be done besides calling it in? It took a little over 8 minutes for a response time, which is good I guess, as it was out in "rural" area, but yet it is a well traveled road, and he made at least 15 cars that I counted have to evasive action to avoid a wreck. I realize that any forceful action taken by a civilian driver could amount to more damage and/or casualities, but if there was an opening, and other drivers were now keeping distance, and I was in my beater......could I do anything and have any legal grounds? Afterall, the driver is endangering my life, as well as others....I don't know, maybe a stupid question but I really wanted to run him off the road and then beat him down for being an idiot driver, or a drunk driver, whatever the case was. Or at least block him somehow...

To add to Machrophage and ImachU. You could be held liable if any action is taken on your part, in reference to your "running him off the road" I'm sure you were joking, but I've seen it before. the good samaritan ends up getting the shaft because he "didn't want anyone to get hurt".Now adays, at least in Orange County, you are no longer directed to the highway patrol if you call 911 on your cell phone. They can find out where you are by longitude and latitude and it is directed to the nearest PD agency. :yeh: Then that's where we get to play.

New Mach 02-02-2006 12:49 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
We call those Suspects.


streakn 02-02-2006 12:49 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Vffr, what agency do you work for?

New Mach 02-02-2006 12:51 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer
Check your PM.

streakn 02-02-2006 12:54 AM

Re: Ask A Police Officer

Originally Posted by Vffr1
Check your PM.

Back at ya.

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