2003-04 Mach 1 Registry Owners Club

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birdman941 08-17-2008 07:56 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
Jeffy's race was pretty good too. :claus:

Big Ron 08-17-2008 08:20 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by falcongtho3 (Post 1033869)
Lovin' the backflip special! Go Carl!!! (Really liked JJs finish...sideways through the grass...D'Oh! )


#48 got cornfused and thought he had won! :23:

Big Ron :smokin:

falcongtho3 08-17-2008 09:18 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
I just noticed that Carl is second in points in both Cup and the Nationwide series. Would be cool if he took both. A bunch of people were talking about someone winning both series this year...just wasn't Carl. That would be awesome!


birdman941 08-17-2008 09:20 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
It surely would.
With JGR caught cheating, I am sure even their cup cars
will be highly scrutinized, and their little cheats will be gone.
Jack Roush was right about Toiletta...............

Blackpony04 08-17-2008 09:29 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by falcongtho3 (Post 1033897)
I just noticed that Carl is second in points in both Cup and the Nationwide series. Would be cool if he took both. A bunch of people were talking about someone winning both series this year...just wasn't Carl. That would be awesome!


Only if Roush converts to Toyotas! They're destined to win both series this year even if NASCAR has to make it happen. :anger:

falcongtho3 08-17-2008 09:53 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
Wait until NASCAR hands down its largest ever fines and penalties this Tuesday for what JGR did in the testing of its Nationwide cars. They're going to be so far back in points, it'll take them until 2087 to get back in the top 10. And dont' think that their Cup teams arent' under the microscope after what's happened.


ylopony 08-17-2008 10:02 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
No doubt about it MIS is the house of Roush. It was good to see Carl Edwards hold off a cheating Toiletta driver from JGR. The only disappointing thing for me(great for most of you) was the results of the #24 & 48 car.

As for JGR, what a freaking disgrace. We all knew that the team of JGR was cheating and they finally got caught big time in Nationwide. I have no doubt that the same bull that was going on in Nationwide was going on in the cup series as well. Most teams have tried to push the gray area in set ups of the car. But JGR's cheating is as blatent as the other illustrious Toyletta team of Waltrip and what they did last year.

JGR made an appology about the incident. Yea their sorry alright, sorry they got caught. Now hopefully Nascar will wise up and tear those cars up from top to bottom in the Cup Series. No doubt this is going on in the Sprint Cup as well. Screw Toyota, screw Joe Gibbs, and screw Kyle Busch.

birdman941 08-17-2008 10:43 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by ylopony (Post 1033911)
No doubt about it MIS is the house of Roush. It was good to see Carl Edwards hold off a cheating Toiletta driver from JGR. The only disappointing thing for me(great for most of you) was the results of the #24 & 48 car.

As for JGR, what a freaking disgrace. We all knew that the team of JGR was cheating and they finally got caught big time in Nationwide. I have no doubt that the same bull that was going on in Nationwide was going on in the cup series as well. Most teams have tried to push the gray area in set ups of the car. But JGR's cheating is as blatent as the other illustrious Toyletta team of Waltrip and what they did last year.

JGR made an appology about the incident. Yea their sorry alright, sorry they got caught. Now hopefully Nascar will wise up and tear those cars up from top to bottom in the Cup Series. No doubt this is going on in the Sprint Cup as well. Screw Toyota, screw Joe Gibbs, and screw Kyle Busch.

Amen brother.
(Except I dont like GM teams)

falcongtho3 08-18-2008 07:24 AM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by birdman941 (Post 1033940)
Amen brother.
(Except I dont like GM teams)



beerformeplz 08-18-2008 10:26 AM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by ylopony (Post 1033911)
No doubt about it MIS is the house of Roush. It was good to see Carl Edwards hold off a cheating Toiletta driver from JGR. The only disappointing thing for me(great for most of you) was the results of the #24 & 48 car.

As for JGR, what a freaking disgrace. We all knew that the team of JGR was cheating and they finally got caught big time in Nationwide. I have no doubt that the same bull that was going on in Nationwide was going on in the cup series as well. Most teams have tried to push the gray area in set ups of the car. But JGR's cheating is as blatent as the other illustrious Toyletta team of Waltrip and what they did last year.

JGR made an appology about the incident. Yea their sorry alright, sorry they got caught. Now hopefully Nascar will wise up and tear those cars up from top to bottom in the Cup Series. No doubt this is going on in the Sprint Cup as well. Screw Toyota, screw Joe Gibbs, and screw Kyle Busch.

The Toyotas make more horsepower plain and simple. Instead of crying like a little bitc* Roush should spend the money to get the power out of his motors. The funny tjhing is they still made more power than others AFTER Nascar made them change some things.
Now im not saying that what they did was right, it would have been awsome if they still made more powere after Nascar's changes the first time.

Flame suit on.

Lonestar7 08-18-2008 10:44 AM

Re: NASCAR thread
The problem with NASCAR is its all corporate now so no real competition from just a group that wants to race. Now its all about big money and who can afford the technology. Seems drag racing is the only thing left open to the normal everyday people who would just like to race. Just my 2 cents on the subject!


beerformeplz 08-18-2008 11:23 AM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by Lonestar7 (Post 1034107)
The problem with NASCAR is its all corporate now so no real competition from just a group that wants to race. Now its all about big money and who can afford the technology. Seems drag racing is the only thing left open to the normal everyday people who would just like to race. Just my 2 cents on the subject!


I dont know about you but I cant afford a funny car team.

birdman941 08-18-2008 11:32 AM

Re: NASCAR thread
The rule USED to be that the engine had to be a production based
pushrod motor.
Toiletta had no production based pushrod motors.
So ASSCAR changed (or bent) the rules to allow the un-Americans in.
So, the American companies were stuck with basically 1950's technology
as a jump off point.
Whereas Toiletta was able to start with a clean sheet of paper,
using all the R&D the American companies toiled over for the last 50 years.
That, in itself, is cheating.
This was allowed by Brian "The Pansy" France and his Toiletta built Lexus.
He decided that it was better to fill his wallet to let the un-Americans into the series.
Greedy traitorous idiots like Joe "The Fibbs" Gibbs decides he likes Japan
more than America and wants to put more American out of work!
This is after Benedict Michael "I want to look like Boris Said" Waltrip
and his big mouthed brother Larry,
or is it Darrel, or is it his other brother Darrel,
decide they TOO want to make a stand and put more American out of work.
After all, those Japanese girls sure are cute!
They get Mr. Clean (A polite way of saying he's freshly washed up)
Dale Jarrett to drive a Jap car.
A year ago, you had DJ defining the back of the field,
waving a Japanse flag saying "here I am."
Does anyone else find it interesting that Kyle "I am as big an azz as my bro"
Busch could not find victory lane in a Hendrick car,
but steps into a first year Jap car team and sets the world on fire?
Did anyone else even notice this besides me?
Kyle Busch is a POS, as are all the other un-American car drivers.
I do not care for Tony Stewart,
but even that idiot is getting out of the un-American cheating JGR car.
Joe Gibbs can go to H - e double hockey sticks.
Better yet.
Send him to Dearborn interviewing newly laid off American workers.

beerformeplz 08-18-2008 11:38 AM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by birdman941 (Post 1034122)
Send him to Dearborn interviewing newly laid off American workers.

Hows that Joe Gibb's fault?

birdman941 08-18-2008 11:49 AM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by beerformeplz (Post 1034124)
Hows that Joe Gibb's fault?

The bucks stops at his door.
He is promoting un-American products.
Maybe he'll start hanging out wth Jane Fonda.
Words quoted directly from Joe "The Fibs" Gibbs":
"If this alleged incident proves true,
it goes against everything we stand for as an organization," Joe Gibbs said.

bris09 08-18-2008 01:13 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
birdman941, as much as I'd like it to be that simple Gibbs has nothing to do with the current state of Dearborn. I actually find it funny that Rousch said that JGR has soiled the good name of Nascar by cheating. If it weren't for 25 points being deducted for cheating Mark Martin might have had a championship

The US car industry is paying for past mistakes. They offered lack luster, unreliable, over priced cars for years while raking in the cash. All three of them ended up turning to Japanese companies to buy engines to increase reliablity. Yes today's American cars are just as good as any in the world but the old saying in business is: If you do it right 99 out of 100 times the customer will only remember the one time you screwed up.

A Ford Focus no more American made than a Toyota Camry. The Japanese companies have been building assembly plants in the US (jobs) while the US companies have been moving to Canada and Mexico. The US car industry sold us out for profit and outsourced manufcturing jobs and now they are being outsourced. Yes it sucks, but it is business. You survive by building the better mouse trap at the best price.

I'd love to buy American, but it is almost impossible. I used to pay $5 more for an American made shirt just so I could sew the buttons back on after I washed it the first time. Now I buy the best product for the money. If you want my business make the best product because I will no longer pay more just because it is American made. I have to work for my money so if you want it, you have to earn it, no more free rides.

Do you know how few "American" companies are still American owned. I garauntee it is a lot fewer than you think. American business has sold us out and we will pay the price by losing our jobs while those responsible never have to work another day of their life. They are the ones who committed the act of Treason.

Sorry for the rant. You may now resume with the regularly scheduled bashing.

MAC[H]Z 08-18-2008 01:25 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by bris09 (Post 1034170)
birdman941, as much as I'd like it to be that simple Gibbs has nothing to do with the current state of Dearborn. I actually find it funny that Rousch said that JGR has soiled the good name of Nascar by cheating. If it weren't for 25 points being deducted for cheating Mark Martin might have had a championship

The US car industry is paying for past mistakes. They offered lack luster, unreliable, over priced cars for years while raking in the cash. All three of them ended up turning to Japanese companies to buy engines to increase reliablity. Yes today's American cars are just as good as any in the world but the old saying in business is: If you do it right 99 out of 100 times the customer will only remember the one time you screwed up.

A Ford Focus no more American made than a Toyota Camry. The Japanese companies have been building assembly plants in the US (jobs) while the US companies have been moving to Canada and Mexico. The US car industry sold us out for profit and outsourced manufcturing jobs and now they are being outsourced. Yes it sucks, but it is business. You survive by building the better mouse trap at the best price.

I'd love to buy American, but it is almost impossible. I used to pay $5 more for an American made shirt just so I could sew the buttons back on after I washed it the first time. Now I buy the best product for the money. If you want my business make the best product because I will no longer pay more just because it is American made. I have to work for my money so if you want it, you have to earn it, no more free rides.

Do you know how few "American" companies are still American owned. I garauntee it is a lot fewer than you think. American business has sold us out and we will pay the price by losing our jobs while those responsible never have to work another day of their life. They are the ones who committed the act of Treason.

Sorry for the rant. You may now resume with the regularly scheduled bashing.

Agree the focus isn't any more american made but in the end the dollars are here in an American company while Toyota ships the profits overseas 16B last year.

I'm sick of hearing people say that Toyota is American , I have to admit they did a good job with PR but in the end the wowrker at the Toyota plant would be working for Ford or GM is stupid Americans would satrt buying what we make and keeping the money here.

I agree our products aren't what they used to be but it's the fault of people like you who could care less where it comes from. America made the finest products in the world, people then decided price was more important and started buying oversea so American companies had to cut quality to compete with the China's of the world but we wouldn't do it at the cost of workers health unlike other contries so our manufacturing dropped out.

Just keep buying your so callled better products and when we have no jobs and no money to buy anything anyway then you have no one to blame but yourself.

birdman941 08-18-2008 01:35 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
Joe Gibbs and the Waltrips are FURTHERING
the destruction of the US auto industry.
They are promoting un-American products.
And cheating while doing so.
That does have an effect on Dearborn.

MAC[H]Z 08-18-2008 01:43 PM

Re: NASCAR thread
Have you guys ever heard of win on Sunday sell on Monday??? If you think Toyota winning doesn't cause a problem for American auto you are wrong. Did it cause them to get into the mess they are in now, no but it doesn't help either

beerformeplz 08-18-2008 03:06 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by MAC[H]Z (Post 1034192)
Have you guys ever heard of win on Sunday sell on Monday???

:23: Are you serious? Maybe 50 years ago that was true but far from it today. It seems nascar has gone to alot of Sat. night races also not Sunday.

Thunderbolt 08-18-2008 03:16 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by MAC[H]Z (Post 1034192)
Have you guys ever heard of win on Sunday sell on Monday???

Or win on Sunday buy more Ford stock on Monday??? :23:

MAC[H]Z 08-18-2008 03:18 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by beerformeplz (Post 1034244)
:23: Are you serious? Maybe 50 years ago that was true but far from it today. It seems nascar has gone to alot of Sat. night races also not Sunday.

So you think the auto makers spend millions in racing because they have nothing better to do with their money?? No they spend it because of a thing called brand loyalty belive it or not a large percentage of nascar fans buy what their favorite drives.

bris09 08-18-2008 03:20 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by MAC[H]Z (Post 1034192)
Have you guys ever heard of win on Sunday sell on Monday??? If you think Toyota winning doesn't cause a problem for American auto you are wrong. Did it cause them to get into the mess they are in now, no but it doesn't help either

Yes, I'm quite familiar with the saying. Problem with that saying is most people are smart enough to realize that todays race car is no where close to what is on the showroom floor unlike the good old days when it was a re-worked production car.

I also believe you seriously misread my buying American comment. It was the just buy American mentallity that helped get the US car industry in trouble in the first place. They knew we would buy the car no matter what they offered just because it was American. Doesn't quite seem fair to us does it. I do my best to support American companies right down the gas I buy, but only if they do their part and offer a comparable product at a comparable price.

For the record all my cars are either Ford or Dodge and have been for years with the exception a free Corolla and a POS Grand Am.

A bit of Devils advocate here:
1. What is the difference in the profits going to another country or sitting in some board members off shore bank account. Either way, I'll never see it.
2. What kind of cars do the board members of the big three drive?
3. Why should I only buy from an American company when that exact same company didn't return the favor with the components they used to make the product?
4. I do my best to stay out of debt while still having nice things. So, isn't it in my best interest to buy the best product in my price range?
5. There is a lot of things I can't buy an American made version of. We no longer make it, it's cheaper to make it off shore.

I've lost two jobs because the American owned company decided to cash in and sell to a foreign company and they in turn decided it was cheaper to have the job done somewhere else. :anger:

beerformeplz 08-18-2008 03:25 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by MAC[H]Z (Post 1034252)
No they spend it because of a thing called brand loyalty belive it or not a large percentage of nascar fans buy what their favorite drives.

Kind of like all the Jr fans the got #8 tatoos on there bodys. I like Stewart and Busch but that doesnt make me want to run out and buy a C.O.T. Because there all the same anyways.

ylopony 08-18-2008 03:45 PM

Re: NASCAR thread

Originally Posted by beerformeplz (Post 1034255)
Kind of like all the Jr fans the got #8 tatoos on there bodys. I like Stewart and Busch but that doesnt make me want to run out and buy a C.O.T. Because there all the same anyways.

I'm sure the only reason that you are a Stewart and Busch fan is because of Joe Gibbs and his ties to the Redskins. But that is ok, root for who you like. That is what it's all about. I bet you were not a fan of Busch when he was driving for Hendricks last year. And are you going to be a fan of Tony Stewart with his team next year. If this is not the case then accept my apology. I have to agree with the #8 tats. The last thing I'm going to tat on me is a nascar racers number.

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