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Old 01-17-2005, 03:32 PM   #24
Orange whip 04
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Re: Mach won't start

(I believe it's b/n the negative cable and negative post when disconnected?)


There has been controversy as to how its actualy done. But it acutaly can be done both ways. I get the same results if i do it from the negative side or positive side. I like to do it from the positive side because it tends to rule out any possible grouding iregularities. As you mentioned, you can use the volt/ohm multimeter to check how much voltage is acutaly draining. I use a test light because its simple and iam so acustom to what iam seeing shine through the light and knowing what is being used onboard Ford models that it becomes second nature to me to make a repair knowing what it causing the problem. But in any other case normaly a meter would be used to measure voltage use. This goes back to the words... How do you measure the draw of a light? Once i have ruled that a system has a lagitament parasitic draw, i start to narrow the circuit down by pulling fuses out of the fuse box one at a time and put them back in until you notice the light that is shining through the test light goes out when the fuse was pulled for that slot. Once you find the circuit that the draw is on then you can narrow down through the wiring or part that may be causing the short to ground. Its a process that can take 5 minutes or 5 hours. With electrical, you never know what bag of worms you have. But i also agree with you, Granny probably just has a crapped out battery.
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